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Birthday stuff

Thu Aug 17, 2006 1:21 pm

Hi there. I was wondering about birthday luck, and the sidebar.

I was under the impression that you could use the birthday sidebar on your pets' birthdays as well as your own. Is this not the case?

Also, I have seen posts about people getting better REs on their birthdays and pets' birthdays.

Today is a pet birthday, which is why I'm asking. It won't let me use the birthday sidebar.

I figured out the date of birth by using a web conversion thing of days to dates HERE

Any advice will be appreciated.


You carefully walk in and pick up a scratchcard from the pile of treasure, and then run for your life!!!!!
Yesterday: nothing.

The Wheel of Mediocrity
Yippee - you win 50 Neopoints!!!
Yesterday: same

The Wheel of Excitement!
You win 500 Neopoints!!
Yesterday: won <100 np.

Treasure of the Black Pawkeet
Molly_G_Moo pulls out a ticket... and...
You Won Nothing :(
Yesterday: same

Molly: nothing
Laddie: Shimmering Seagrass and level up
whinny: Giant Red Kelp and level up
Lassie: Giant Red Kelp and level up
Yesterday: junk catches, no levels

Strawberry Jelly
Sausage Omelette

[non-birthday pet as active pet]
The Neopet Fruit Machine
Sorry! This is not a winning spin.
Yesterday: same

Tiki Tack Tombola
You put your hand into the Tombola and draw the following ticket...
Oh dear, that's not a winning ticket :( ... but you win a Booby Prize!!!
Never mind, why not try again tomorrow?
Your Prize - Neopian Times Issue 3
Aahh... Im feeling sorry for you, why not have 97 Neopoints as well!
Yesterday: won something

Deserted Tomb
But while you're safe, Athelassie suffers a bit of damage and loses some HP.
Yesterday: sat on petpet

Coltzans Shrine:
A chill wind picks up, and then dies down again...
Awww.. nothing happened :(
Yesterday: pet increased speed

Roll Up! Test Your Strength!
Score: 4 (Almost Gummy Rat)
Yesterday: score unknown, got Candy Peas

Wheel of Knowledge:
You won an Ancient Arcana!
Yesterday: frumball hint

Symol Hole:
Penelope jumps out of the hole a few seconds later...
Wasn't that fun? Maybe you can do the same tomorrow!
Yesterday: same

So, nothing spectacularly lucky today. And no REs yet.

Thu Aug 17, 2006 1:40 pm

I don't think anything happens on pet's birthdays, at least I've never heard of anything.
But that date calculator is neat! I never thought to find my pets birthdays!

Thu Aug 17, 2006 1:41 pm


Only your birthday, and Neopets' birthday.

Thu Aug 17, 2006 2:39 pm

AH! I bet that exact phrase is what was confusing me.... because you are saying the birthday of Neopets, the website/company, but it looks like you are saying "your and your neopets' birthday[s]"

I have seen people write it like that before and just assumed they were using bad grammar. :)

Thank you.
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