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Donating for random events?

Mon Aug 14, 2006 8:38 pm

I know this has been discussed for ages but is there any proof for it?
I donated 60 items yesterday and got a mootix and one faerie quest with nearly 7 random i got 3 faerie quests and 3 random events..i doesn't seem to be luck totally..

Mon Aug 14, 2006 8:54 pm

I have seen no documented proof that donating changes your RE stats. Then big project I remember, where people sent RE data, showed that REs may come in 'waves' of higher frequency ... but they were never related to donating per se.

It seems that viviting pages with less page views MAY increase your chances. Maybe that is why people see more REs when donating.

Wed Aug 16, 2006 1:03 pm

Page Refreshes seem to be what triggers the Random Events but donating seems to have some effect. I tried donating 5000np a day every day for a fortnight and then not. When donating I got only positive events. When not donating got a mix of positive and negative RE's.

Didn't get anything really valuable but did score more fairy quests as opposed to other event types. One thing though I did notice that many of the quests are now starting to cost more than training my pet would. So for a less than level 20 pet faerie quests are now getting more expensive than a one or two dubloon coin. :cry:

Thu Aug 17, 2006 8:11 am

I think this question was answered in an Editorial not too long ago. Donating does not influence your chance of REs.

Since every page you visit has a chance of giving an RE, the more pages you visit, the more REs you get, generally. Playing non-Flash games is a good way to do that since every click means a new page.
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