For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Sun Aug 13, 2006 4:30 am
I made a new thread for this since it's not really related to the plot. But I was wondering if anybody managed to buy something from the ship, and whether you have an estimate of how much the items are going for. Some of the items from Remarkable Restoratives were going for 3 mil on trading post, but are now down to 200k-400k. I'm sure the actualy price is much less. Does anybody know apporximately what the price range for the shops are?
Sun Aug 13, 2006 3:10 pm
I've stocked a few things from Remarkable Restoratives. The prices on those items have fallen and they're not really moving even then. I don't think I'll be stocking there anymore once the ship reappears.
By "price range for shop" do you mean the shop buy prices? They're pretty standard, ~500 - 5000 np depending on rarity. Of if you mean aftermarket sell prices, I don't know them all offhand, try the Wiz and the TP.
On a similiar note, does anyone know what these items cure?
Sun Aug 13, 2006 3:51 pm
No, but I got a burchard root from the Igloo. It was going for about 50,000 a few days ago, but I haven't checked lately.
Sun Aug 13, 2006 10:00 pm
Thanks for the information! I was interested in the shop buy prices because if they were in the normal range then prices are sure to drop, and I won't bother trying to get one right now.
On a similiar note, does anyone know what these items cure?
My guess is that when TNT have got more time, then they'll invent more diseases to go with the cures. :/
Sun Aug 13, 2006 10:18 pm
Thinking about it, it may help more to keep all Cyodrake related topics within the contained thread. Since there is much downtime with the boat appearing/disappearing one might as well talk about what you can in that thread.
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