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Help!! >_<

Sat Aug 12, 2006 10:00 pm

I just started neopets, and i only have 10,000 np from games. how do i earn more. ive only been playing an hour.

Sat Aug 12, 2006 10:03 pm

Play games every day,restock and sell all of your newbie pack.

Sat Aug 12, 2006 10:03 pm

ok. ima sell everything except my book :P

i already read the book

[edit: as appreciation for the help, im gonna post bunny in my sig.

Sat Aug 12, 2006 10:07 pm

Hmm.. I think I want bunny too. :D

Sat Aug 12, 2006 10:41 pm

I recommend doing quick and easy sponsor games.
I believe Gondra has worked very hard on this guide:

Game guide is towards the bottom.

Sat Aug 12, 2006 11:25 pm

10000 NP in an hour is a pretty good pace. If you only made that much in a day you'd be a millionaire in a little over 3 months. Just be sure you take your time and don't make a job out of it, otherwise you won't want to play it every day. Since there are so many games you could try switching around which you play each day for a bit of variety, though I like finding a few games I'm good at and sticking with them.

But if you wanted to make a ton of money super fast, you should try restocking. I'm terrible at that though, so you'll have to ask someone else about that. :)

Sun Aug 13, 2006 12:04 am

Oh wow, these topics go fast!

I am now a bigger lover of PinkPt!!


If there is ever anything I can do for you guys, let me know! ;)

If any of you want to buy anything from my shop, my name is lemonaddict9

SNak Edit: Please don't double post. If you want to add something but the last post is yours, rather than "Post Reply" use the "EDIT" button on the top right corner of your last post and add it there.

Sun Aug 13, 2006 4:33 am

stampsyne wrote:I recommend doing quick and easy sponsor games.
I believe Gondra has worked very hard on this guide:

Game guide is towards the bottom.

very hard isnt even the word o_O lol thanks stamp

and yea with that guide, it takes me around 45 minutes - 1 hour (depending if I get distracted) to earn just over 50K NP :D

Sun Aug 13, 2006 8:00 pm

hehe i did it about half then i got bored and quit! n_n

time to rs like crazy!


Re: Help!! >_<

Sun Aug 13, 2006 10:16 pm

Bio Hazard wrote:I just started neopets, and i only have 10,000 np from games. how do i earn more. ive only been playing an hour.

Geeze... it took me weeks to get 10,000nps when I first started...

Granted that was five years ago when 10,000 was alot! lol, you're doing wonderfully! :D

Have you tried playing Monster House? It's the easiest 3000nps you'll ever make :)

Re: Help!! >_<

Mon Aug 14, 2006 12:11 am

Rayen wrote:Geeze... it took me weeks to get 10,000nps when I first started...

Granted that was five years ago when 10,000 was alot!

I hear that. ;) It took me at least a week a little to get even 2,000! And that was to buy a petpet that's at least 7k now (a Slorg).

Oh, how times have changed!

Mon Aug 14, 2006 2:04 am

I opened up a GREAT bookshop if you want to come and make your pet smart. And my gallery of poisonous lollipops is coming soon! 8)

Click ... monaddict9 for my shop.
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