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TCG Help

Thu Aug 10, 2006 10:46 pm

OK, I am having some weird experiences today with TCG codes. I entered one at the TCG redeem place, I clicked on the first one, a TCG card, then it said the code was not correct or did not match something, even though it said it was correct a few seconds ago. Then I enter another one, it says that it is an item code, even though I took it out of the booster pack a few minutes earlier. It says to go to the Grundo Warehouse, so I click the link and enter the same code. Then, a message tells me that it is not an Item code, and that I should enter it at the TCG page, which just told me to go there. I don't know what's happening, can anyone tell me or help?

(By the way, today is my birthday, so will that have anything to do with it? Am I stupid, or is this a glitch?)

Fri Aug 11, 2006 12:30 pm

Happy birthday!

I think you should report it as a bug.

Sat Aug 12, 2006 4:13 pm

July 22nd news said this.

If you attended the Neopets Taiwan Launch Party on July 15th and were experiencing problems with your virtual prize code, please try it again at the Grundo Warehouse. There was a problem with the codes but they're working fine now. :)

Maybe they are still having some problems.
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