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Extremely rare items

Mon Aug 07, 2006 1:05 pm

Has anyone ever held on to an item for a while, then suddenly found out it's become exceedingly rare or valuable? That's what happened to my Fruit Bomb, which I recently found out obsessive gallery owners will pay like 15 million for, if not more. Anyway, has that happened to anyone else?

Tue Aug 08, 2006 3:37 am

Yes, it happened to me. I once got a H4000 Helmet. I don't remember how... I probably bought it directly from the weapons shop. Anyway, a few years later I was clearing out my SDB and I checked the prices on some items and was blown away to realise that the H4000 was going for a few million.
I sold it right away. I should have held on to it, though. It's selling for more now.

Tue Aug 08, 2006 1:11 pm

Not really; I can't hoard items for long unless I find them pretty :oops:

But I'm keeping all my Altador Cup prizes for a while and I'm watching the prices for the Yooyu and the stamp :roflol:

Wed Aug 09, 2006 5:46 pm

A while ago when TNT was releasing limited edition prizes for LC and MPics, i got the Neopetv2 Mug, so there is a limited number of those going around which i got to have. But in general whenever i get anything it always go straights into my SDB, so i have alot of junk and good stuff lying there.

Wed Aug 09, 2006 11:52 pm

Yeah what I need now is a site that takes the source code from SDB and tells you the value of your items - kinda like AvLog.

Thu Aug 10, 2006 12:27 am

all the time. I remember when hypno helmets were like.. 15k... and i bought heaps.. they're now... alot
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