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5th & 6th August News + Tournament Prizes Available

Sat Aug 05, 2006 12:28 am

5th & 6th August

* Altador Cup Prizes! - Yup! They're finally here. Make your way over to the Altador Cup Prize Shop to pick up your trophy and select your prizes! From there, you can also claim your prizes from the Staff Tournament and the Awards Ceremony.

* The Garden Centre has found a way to make your Neogarden more fun!

* Congratulations are in order for _Benedick the Red Hissi, winner of the latest Pet Spotlight!

* A new page of plot-themed Poems is available for you to read.

* The newest issue of the Neopian Times has been released! Keep your eyes open for great stories and adventures like The Art of Pet Pages and Why We Only Taunt the Pant Devil.

* This week's Neoadventure Spotlight goes to emjslytherin for Curse.

"You wake up slowly from unconciousness and open your eyes. Darkness surrounds you and you sit up. You hear the crunch of leaves as you move. Light is filtering in from high above you and in a moment you understand what you are seeing. Trees, thick and numerous, are obstructing the light. You're in the middle of a forest!"

* If your Petpet is bored with it's look, the Petpet Puddle has some new looks that you might want to consider...

* A new Random Contest has begun! Good luck to all the entrants, and congratulations to last week's winners.

* The next round of the Beauty Contest is about to begin! Head on over and vote for your favourite.

* Awww... what an adorable Sketch Background!

* This week's Faerie Caves Spotlight goes to dkrasnove and his level, The Labrinyth. Well done!

* And finally, if your Neopet is feeling a bit hungry after reading New Features a trip to Grundos might be just what it needs.
Last edited by aliboy on Sat Aug 05, 2006 12:34 am, edited 2 times in total.

Sat Aug 05, 2006 12:32 am

WOOO umm but wheres the altador PLOT PRIZES GAH oh well..

I won.. 5000 NP from the staff ballott

A key ring (yes me and my stupid 11 points), a medal for my UL, a side bar theme and a avatar.. :)

Sat Aug 05, 2006 12:37 am

I got a side bar ^_^ and an avvie, a pendent, and 20 points from the ballot thingy

Sat Aug 05, 2006 1:59 am

Whoo! one set of prizes is out. now for the other set, which ended first, but is still prizeless

Sat Aug 05, 2006 4:33 am

Now y'all can halfway hush about "when are the prizes coming???" I say halfway because apparently another plot needs prize-ing. Oh, wait, that's the Altador plot, isn't it? You mean that one that I never finished? (sweatdrop) Errr, perhaps if Cyodrake's Gaze becomes a plot, maybe it'll be one I can actually finish this time! :peace:

Sat Aug 05, 2006 12:09 pm

10in2010 wrote:Now y'all can halfway hush about "when are the prizes coming???" I say halfway because apparently another plot needs prize-ing. Oh, wait, that's the Altador plot, isn't it? You mean that one that I never finished? (sweatdrop) Errr, perhaps if Cyodrake's Gaze becomes a plot, maybe it'll be one I can actually finish this time! :peace:

Well, Altador's still open, so you could still finish it if you want.

More on topic, I got a 2nd place trophy, avatar, sidebar, and 75 points. Kind of funny since I totally sucked at the game -- no kidding, my round totals were 0-1, 1-0, 2-1, and 1-1, with practice round 2-1-1. Now what to buy with those points? I'm assuming the 50-point one will be somewhat rarer than the 5- and 10- pointers. But which of the 10-pointers should I get? Do they leave the prize shop open indefinitely? Then I might wait and buy once something becomes high-demand (like the LDP prizes and the crystal ball avvie)...

Sat Aug 05, 2006 3:22 pm

If I were you, I would spend the points now because who knows how long the prize shop will be open?

My issue with Altador is that I couldn't get the dang water facility thing to get corrected. I tried every combo I could think of for a long time and nothing worked, so I gave up.

Sat Aug 05, 2006 4:08 pm

Prize shops remain open for a veeery looong time. Quite possibly years. So there's no hurry to get your prizes right this moment unless you plan on being away from Neopets for three years or so. But I guess you wouldn't care much about prizes then anyway.
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