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Cheap Neohome Furniture?

Wed Aug 02, 2006 9:28 am


I won a Kacheekers Poster from the WoMon and decided to actually put it in my Neo Home rather then sell it for a measley 50 NP. After a good 5 minutes of repositioning and rotating it, I was happy having it on he east wall of my "Study". I then realised hey.. this would actually be quite cool to put stuff inside my Neohome instead of leaving it empty and only building lots of rooms and upgrading the extension options just so my user lookup looks cooler.

So yea, can anyone tell me any cheap furniture or tell me of a website or pet page that could? And I mean like 200 NP and below.. im going as cheap as anything here.


Wed Aug 02, 2006 9:43 am

Well, on there's an option where you can click "Show estimated prices." when browsing through items.

That might help. :)

Wed Aug 02, 2006 12:46 pm

If you go to this catalog and look around, you can see the items -- the aerial views will show you how they actually look. And there's a garden section.

Cream rugs, funky lime tables, tall table lamps, blue or red bean bags, violet shelf units, purple wardrobes, and royal oak beds are usually cheap and plentiful. Sand sculptures are good space fillers too. Kitchens can be very pricey, if you want a unified look. If you want a cheap bathroom, try for the spooky stuff, and spooky is usually a good theme for a bedroom too. Dung and stone furniture sets are usually really cheap too. If you want a theme room with, say, all Haunted Fairground and Dark Nova items, you might end up at the Trading Post more often than the Shop Wizard...

Wed Aug 02, 2006 1:17 pm

I've furnished my neohome almost exclusively with items I got from the Advent Calendar. If you search for those items, I bet they're pretty cheap. I can put a list up if you'd like. Of course, that would mean a Christmas/winter theme...

Thu Aug 03, 2006 3:05 am

Dung furniture is really cheap.
Because nobody really wants it in their neohome. :P

Go for advent. The furniture is really cheap and really pretty.
In fact... I think my neohome is still decorated for Xmas.... (meaning the tree's still up) >__<

Thu Aug 03, 2006 5:04 am

Oh im not really worried about a theme or anything, I just think its fun putting stuff in there hehe I will worry about a theme later on if I really get into it :D
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