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August 2nd News

Tue Aug 01, 2006 9:46 pm

# Time to put away those cakes and grab a carrot in tribute to:

~ Health and Exercise ~

# These new Fun Images might help you get in the mood for some exercise!

# The winner of the User Lookup of the Week is mishoo, who has a rather healthy lookup.

# The Bookshop has some new books available, in case you aren't sure what to do to be more healthy.

# The Shopkeeper from the Health Food Shop has gotten a little bit of a makeover!

# Why not encourage your friends, family, and enemies to be more healthy with these great new Greetings?

# If you love apples you might want to check out this week's Gallery Spotlight winner!

# For those who want to encourage their Neopets to get a little more exercise, the Fine Furniture Shop now has some equipment that might help!

# There is a new Mystery Pic competition. The answer to the last one was Faerie Seti. 410 people guessed correctly, earning them 4879 NP each.

# Mmmm... instead of reaching for that soda, why not reach for a nice smoothie from the Smoothie Shop?

# This week's Meridell Castle Spotlight winner is guild_13 with their level - Deceptions.

# Finally, here are even MORE Fun Images to inspire you!

Tue Aug 01, 2006 10:06 pm

Where are the plot prizes?

Tue Aug 01, 2006 10:21 pm

Maybe they're telling you all to go outside and stop worrying about plot prizes.

Tue Aug 01, 2006 10:35 pm

Oh, that exercise equipment wold be <i>perfect</i> for my Pirate Blumaroo boxer! :D I hope that they were actually released, so far I haven't been able to get any of them as search results...

EDIT: But I did find one of the "missing" Desert scrolls. Looks like even more of the missing items are getting properly released! So for those of you looking for those new petpets, might want to search again. :) It would be nice if they'd explain what had happened and/or apologize for not making the items available in a timely fashion - but I'm not really expecting that to happen. It <i>is</i> nice that they're correcting the mistake, though, don't get me wrong.

Tue Aug 01, 2006 10:45 pm

What's with all this boring news lately? I mean, in my opinion, it's nothing exciting at all. TNT, you're not as fun as you use to be. With anything.

Tue Aug 01, 2006 11:50 pm

i was stuffing myself with Gummie Bears while reading the news. :D

Tue Aug 01, 2006 11:50 pm

Rakumel wrote:EDIT: But I did find one of the "missing" Desert scrolls. Looks like even more of the missing items are getting properly released! So for those of you looking for those new petpets, might want to search again. :)

*squee* She speaks the truth! I found my quillty!

110k?! Aw man, that's going to put a dent in my PB fund. But my Lutari's worth it. :roll:

Edit: It's a Palmplat now, for those searching for it. And the doggy petpet it was announced with is now called a Barlow.

Wed Aug 02, 2006 1:41 am

You know...since they are doing a "Health & Exercise" day, the least they could have done is brought back Grundos Gym--just for the day.

Wed Aug 02, 2006 1:50 am

mogster500 wrote:Maybe they're telling you all to go outside and stop worrying about plot prizes.


Wed Aug 02, 2006 1:52 am

i find latley that all the news is just routine stuff. Like the winners to all the many competions they run. New avatars get me somewhat excited but all the items that arent actually released dont. I used to be excited to see what great developments they had made in the game but now its just boring

Wed Aug 02, 2006 1:55 am

this is getting rediculous. . plot prizes. . cup prizes. . .I'll take anything!! :x

Wed Aug 02, 2006 2:23 am

Deevil wrote:You know...since they are doing a "Health & Exercise" day, the least they could have done is brought back Grundos Gym--just for the day.

I very vaguely remember Grundo's Gym, I remember playing around with it but I don't remember what it did/gave you. What did you get from playing it?

Wed Aug 02, 2006 2:34 am

Nefasturris wrote:
Deevil wrote:You know...since they are doing a "Health & Exercise" day, the least they could have done is brought back Grundos Gym--just for the day.

I very vaguely remember Grundo's Gym, I remember playing around with it but I don't remember what it did/gave you. What did you get from playing it?

You could get a ton (literally) of NP if you played often enough. You could do one round of exceises each day. If you did all the exercises, you got 250 NP every five rounds, you'd get a membership card. For each membership card you had, you gota 2,000 NP bonus when you finished the round. So if you had five membership cards, you'd get 10,250 NPs from the game when you finished the round...ten membership cards--20,250 NP...etc.

Wed Aug 02, 2006 4:12 am

Ah...Grundo's Gym. Good times, good times. Too bad I didn't make riches playing that...didn't know you could make so much np from it!

Wed Aug 02, 2006 9:20 am

SaturnJuniper wrote:i find latley that all the news is just routine stuff. Like the winners to all the many competions they run. New avatars get me somewhat excited but all the items that arent actually released dont. I used to be excited to see what great developments they had made in the game but now its just boring

Routine stuff is right.. its getting semi predictiable o_O
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