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Map pricing?

Thu Jul 27, 2006 1:56 pm

I have a Image from a RE, and I'm selling it for 36,850np... is that a good price for it? I don't really know the value of these things.

Also, I have a Image which I don't know the value of. I looked at the shops and couldn't find this piece. I'm thinking of putting it up for 11k...

Anyone know how much these things are worth? I know they're probably hard to sell, but I'm willing to wait and could use the profits. Thanks.

Thu Jul 27, 2006 5:31 pm

I just sold a Haunted Woods map piece for about 5 or 6k. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be one rare piece that goes for much higher for the HW map. :( The snipers tend to randomly assign a random map piece a much higher price, but that might not work if you only have a single piece in your store.

And I vaguely recall non-rare treasure map pieces going for 20k or so. You might want to check the Shop Wizard for an idea of pricing: look for shops selling multiple copies of the same piece, as they tend to have the other pieces as well. Then you can find your piece's price, even if it's not the piece the shop wizard wanted to give you. :) Unlike the HW map, Treasure Map pieces do have expensive rare pieces (they're usually corner pieces, I think).

Thu Jul 27, 2006 6:43 pm

Your treasure map used to be the rarest but not anymore. I believe there is one other piece priced higher. The current going price is about 30k so if you priced it at 36k+ it may take a while to sell.

Your spooky map is one of the common ones and is selling for about 5k now.

Fri Jul 28, 2006 11:59 am

Much thanks. i've put the treasure map at 30k and the spooky one at 5k. I'd rather have the money (and the shop space for easier-to-sell items) :)
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