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Past Lenny Conundrums

Thu Jul 27, 2006 4:29 am

Before I even begin with what I want to say, let me first state that I am NOT asking for solutions to the current Lenny Conundrum puzzles! Ok.

I remember back in the day, after a puzzle was over, TNT would provide you with the answer to the puzzle (which they still do) and how it's to be solved. However, nowadays, I'll look at the latest solved puzzle and there will be an answer, but no process. It absolutely annoys me to the nth degree when I read the puzzles and can't figure out how to solve them! It doesn't help when they just give me an answer as I want to know how they got that answer!!

So, I'm just wondering, after each week, when a puzzle is finished and the answer is revealed, can someone who solved it post up, like, a process to how they got to the correct answer? Just for the sake of me not ripping my hair out and cursing TNT with plagues every Thursday? Like, if someone's willing, I would love to know how people got that Giant Omelette answer for the last Lenny Conundrum. :D THanks much!

Thu Jul 27, 2006 7:47 am

We have Lenny Conundrum threads over in the Neopets Help boards.

Not all of them have the worked answer after the round is over, but I'm sure most PPTers will be more than happy to tell you how they got it if you ask :)

Thu Jul 27, 2006 8:38 pm

Oh. What do you know? Didn't even think to check there (always considered Lenny Conundrum a game). Thanks Alex.
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