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26th July News

Wed Jul 26, 2006 11:25 am

26th July - Peophin Day

* To start off Peophin Day, you can now paint your Peophin either Sponge or Electric at the Rainbow Pool!

* Congraulations lilfiregemm! A User Lookup of the Week trophy is whizzing your way.

* Brighten up your shop, gallery, or webpage with some of these Peophin Fun Images.

* This week's Gallery Spotlight goes to deviledapple for her gallery, Peophin Museum.

* Your Peophin will never look better after grooming them with these great new items from the Grooming Parlour.

* There is a new Mystery Pic competition. The answer to the last one was Cellblock Header. 435 people guessed correctly, earning them 4598 NP each.

* These breads created specially for Peophin Day look delicious. Why not head to the Bakery and get one right away?

* destiny933 wins this week's Meridell Castle Spotlight with her level - Operation: Escape.

* Can you figure out how to unlock this new Peophin Avatar?

* Make sure you take your Peophin to visit Cap'n Threelegs at his Swashbuckling Adademy on Peophin Day. The kind old Eyrie will be offering FREE training to any Peophins who stop by.

* There is a new page of Peophin themed pictures in the Art Gallery. Why not take a look?

* A brand new page of Peophin-themed Poems is available for your perusal.

* Find the differences in the images in our new sponsor game Barnyard: Pair Compare

Thu Jul 27, 2006 1:16 am

Urghh ... still no sign of the prizes!

When is 'next week' going to come?? :cry:
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