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the quickest way to get 13k.. help needed please

Sun Jul 23, 2006 2:02 am

Ok so i finally saved up 520,000NP (60k of which was donated by a random person yday o_O) for my lab map set so i can start my adoption center ( YAYAY

only to see on the trading posts that they now go for atleast 533k :x

so all of today ive been playing games etc to save up the extra 13k BUT i have a problem .... i BPS gambling problem (black pawkeet slots) :o

ill play games and get to around having 3-4k then go to BPS and try and turn that 4k into 13k only to lose it all :cry: the last week or so ive been having really good luck with it, turning around 3k to about 10k easy but not today.. and the dumb thing is now ii have played all the sponsor quiz games, gotten my 3k from majority rules, played all the games im good at (im not good at many) and even ones i hate and am bad at, but everytime ive reached around 4k ive managed to blow it :cry:

i cant be bothered doing pigatellas list of 13k in 15mins either because half of them dont work

anyone else got any ideas? i REALLY wanna get my lab map set today so i can get the adption centre up and running before i go back to work tomorrow :(

any ideas/tips welcomed :D

Sun Jul 23, 2006 2:21 am

I've heard that it's a little cheaper to buy the lab map sets piece by piece than it is on the Trading Post. Is it possible for you to buy your lab map from the Wiz?

Also, do you have an item laying around in your SDB (or in your inventory for that matter) which is worth somewhere around 13k? Since you have to include an item while trading anyway, that could be a viable solution as well. :)

Good luck getting your lab map set! :)

Sun Jul 23, 2006 2:39 am

im not sure what a good price to pay is for each piece cos i know some pieces are like 80k .. just dont know which ones

and i have no items left.. sold them all lol

Sun Jul 23, 2006 2:41 am

If you put something in your shop for 13K I'll donate the rest that you need. I'm in a spending mood and donating is a good as trying to think of something to buy.


Yeah, nevermind. I just bought some of the Poogle toys from yer shop. :)
Last edited by Nefasturris on Sun Jul 23, 2006 3:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Jul 23, 2006 2:59 am

I bought a pink poogle toy from your shop. Now you just need 12 more people to buy them. ;)

Sun Jul 23, 2006 3:17 am

Or stop gambling so that everything anyone gives you doesn't also end up gambled away.

Sun Jul 23, 2006 3:25 am

If you put something in your shop for 13K I'll donate the rest that you need. I'm in a spending mood and donating is a good as trying to think of something to buy.


Yeah, nevermind. I just bought some of the Poogle toys from yer shop.


I bought a pink poogle toy from your shop. Now you just need 12 more people to buy them.

oh wow thank you guys so much :D i now have enough and am gunna go raid the TP right now for a lab map set yay that was a very nice unexpected suprise :)

Or stop gambling so that everything anyone gives you doesn't also end up gambled away.

lol yea i know i needa go to bps gamblers anonymous i think.

the money i have left over will go back into buying my now depleted shop stocks of PPTs lol thank you guys :D

Re: the quickest way to get 13k.. help needed please

Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:03 am

Gondra wrote:i cant be bothered doing pigatellas list of 13k in 15mins either.

I've done this list and got 30k in less than 45 minutes. You have to read the instructions and understand the money is mostly from sending the battle challenge cards and not from sending scores. It's boring but easily do-able. I hate to be cruel, but if it's not worth your bother then I wouldn't want to donate to you after I took the time to bother.

If you put in the hard work of searching for the map pieces seperately, and that IS hard work, you could easily buy all the pieces now.

Re: the quickest way to get 13k.. help needed please

Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:26 am

stampsyne wrote:
Gondra wrote:i cant be bothered doing pigatellas list of 13k in 15mins either.

I've done this list and got 30k in less than 45 minutes. You have to read the instructions and understand the money is mostly from sending the battle challenge cards and not from sending scores. It's boring but easily do-able. I hate to be cruel, but if it's not worth your bother then I wouldn't want to donate to you after I took the time to bother.

If you put in the hard work of searching for the map pieces seperately, and that IS hard work, you could easily buy all the pieces now.

yea i know its from sending game cards and greetings cards etc. but at the moment he amount is around 13k and she/he? states on the page that a lot arent working which is why the amount is down from the usually 30k... sorry i guess i said that a bit selfishlly as i usually do and would do pigatellas page.. tried it the other day and part of the ones that suppsoedly do work are also not working.. and thats why i didnt want to do it, not because im lazy which i guess is what i made myself out to sound like lol

as for buying them seperatley, this is what i wanted to do and have asked on the neoboards a few times but havent had much help as one problem i have had is not knowing a good price to buy all the pieces at.. its annoying all the pieces being labbelled the same item. as im not sure which pieces are worth what, i figured out an average price of some of them but got mega confused, even write a list and tried to label them in with silly little drawings o_O but didnt get me far

anyway have the lab now, have a new lab pet that i adopted (Mazsoshankra the yellow scorchio) and will get to work tonight on starting the adoption centre.

Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:45 am

Congrats on the lab map! I think TNT wants part of the lab map challenge to be to find all the pieces at the best price. Although the mega-lab map shops give you a ballpark idea, they are grossly over-inflated.

Luckily the petpet map is much much cheaper. Unfortunately, the mega-petpet-lab shops are inconsistant in their prices. One will over-inflate one piece while another will over inflate a different piece. It's harder to tell which are rarer to get the best deal. I spent several days and was able to find all of them at around the same price (1500 NP). I may have just gotten lucky.

Sun Jul 23, 2006 4:49 am

OH YAY you just reminded me about the petpet lab!!! I have 7 pieces stored in my gallery that were all RE's!! hehe yay ill just go purchase the other too... now heres a question.. can the petpet lab be used on the petpets you get as part of your newbie pack? the starter petpets.?

Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:45 am

Next time you need quick nps, go to My_First_Little_Pony's petpage and do the sponsor games, including those that are no longer on the site but still will let you collect nps from. I can make 20-25K in 1-1/2 to 2 hours easily. Figure out the ones you are good at and have a good pay out per time spent and keep those on a list, so you can remember which ones to do daily.

Sun Jul 23, 2006 5:56 am

Morningstar wrote:Next time you need quick nps, go to My_First_Little_Pony's petpage and do the sponsor games, including those that are no longer on the site but still will let you collect nps from. I can make 20-25K in 1-1/2 to 2 hours easily. Figure out the ones you are good at and have a good pay out per time spent and keep those on a list, so you can remember which ones to do daily.

ok thank you :)

Sun Jul 23, 2006 6:10 am

Gondra wrote:now heres a question.. can the petpet lab be used on the petpets you get as part of your newbie pack? the starter petpets.?

I would like to know the answer to that question as well. Probably not, because if the petpets change ... they can go with a pet when it's adopted out. The new owner can then remove the petpet and have it revert back into it's original form to obtain a newbie pet they could not buy/sell/trade otherwise.

Sun Jul 23, 2006 6:43 am

stampsyne wrote:
Gondra wrote:now heres a question.. can the petpet lab be used on the petpets you get as part of your newbie pack? the starter petpets.?

I would like to know the answer to that question as well. Probably not, because if the petpets change ... they can go with a pet when it's adopted out. The new owner can then remove the petpet and have it revert back into it's original form to obtain a newbie pet they could not buy/sell/trade otherwise.

hmm good point but tried it with my froggler and it worked, got zapped into a err.. sumthing (its on the petpet zapping thread) ... not too sure what would happen if i were to adopt out the pet (which i am certainly not going to try lol)
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