For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Sat Jul 22, 2006 4:39 am
I just went into my Neopets account and I had all these messages that people had accepted my request to be a neofriend. I never make requests to anyone to be a neofriend and didn't know these people. I looked at my neofriend list and had about 20 new neofriends and several other requests supposedly made. I also had a thank you from some stranger for a sun hat.
Of course, I immediately went and looked at my items and nothing seems to be missing. I do use the PIN on most of my account but even where I don't use it nothing was missing.
I went and deleted all the neofriends and I changed my password.
Did someone somehow get into my account (although I have no idea how as I never give out my password or go anywhere where I think there would be a problem)? Or was that some sort of glitch that sent out neofriend requests to random people?
Sat Jul 22, 2006 4:54 am
It doesn't seem likely that somebody would break into your account just to make you neofriends with a bunch of randoms. Did you try mailing some of the people and asking if/when you requested to be their neofriend ?
If it was somebody that broke into your account, perhaps they were intending on setting up a whole bunch of cheap NF only auctions from your account or something, but even that isn't very likely as its easier to just send things straight through.
All in all its odd that it happened, but I doubt it was somebody doing it.
Sat Jul 22, 2006 5:03 am
Yes...nothing seems missing. I have no active auctions or trades. Just so odd an event....
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