Fri Jul 21, 2006 3:35 pm
Editorial #189 wrote:When mr. chip the ice cream man's spieces gets released, will they be limmited edition? - Sooooocute5
I don't believe they will be limited edition when they are released.
Editorial #181 wrote:(Referring to the Maraqua war) In the last editorial you said that you came up with a new system for war that'll mAKe things more fair for the weaker pets. I don't think this is fair though to the people who spend time and np to get their pets up to where they are and then have some person who doesn't even know how to battle get close to as many points as them. - pyrowave13
It is ok. Just wait and seeThe people with the stronger pets will be able to challenge different opponents, and earn more points from that as a result. It just means that if you have a weaker pet there will still be something for you to fight and hopefully plenty of things all all levels of battling to please everyone.
Editorial #180 wrote:How can you get the chocolate chia? Can you only get it by the lab ray, or is there a special way to get it like there is for the garlic pets? - Elm811
It involves owning a Chia and feeding it a whole load of chocolate. It is super rare though and you may just end up with a rather overweight Chia at the end of the day.
Editorial #178 wrote:Please don't retire the Neoquest 2 item's because I'm on evil but I really want the Bow of Destiny but that's on insane. So please don't let it retire or the prices are going alot up. so it will be harder to get. Thank you for reading it - King_of_fusioning
Hehe its ok. We have no plans to retire any Neoquest II items.
Editorial #176 wrote:I think it might be interesting if there was a huge stock market crash, like the one in 1929. The stock market would go down and the bank would run out of money and there would be total CHAOS as everyone loses their money... But that's just my opinion... And I think it would be funny (for me anyway)... - willman93
Oooh that is such a nasty idea hehe. I think a lot of people would be very distressed if anything like that happened, but who knows... The Stock Market has been a little too stable recently...
Editorial #175 wrote:Ok, so this may be a stupid question, but here goes.. The Rainbow Fountain?! I have been playing for 8 months and I have never seen it open. What exactly is this fountain and will it ever be working? - neosass31
It is totally random when it works. There is no way to tell at what time of the day, or for how long it will be active. Rumour has it on the Faerie Festival it is more powerful than at any other time though!
Editorial #167 wrote:Assuming that the Space Faerie in Caption Contest #489 is THE Space Faerie I pose a question to the Neopets Team...Why has she suddenly turned non-ethnic? Before she was of a gorgeous-ly deep skin tone, lighter than Jhudiah but darker than the other her skin tone is like that of ALL the other faeries... Why? I'm hoping it was a glitch in the colouring...but in both the background AND Caption? Please relieve me of my worst fear... - x_cartoon_krazy_x
Heh, its ok. That was just drawn by one of our newer artists and they made a mistake. Rest assured the Space Faerie is her old self still.
Editorial #165 wrote:What exactly is a Box of Trifle Mix? I mean...what's a trifle? Aside from something insignificant. - Morestuff38
Oh wow, you haven't had trifle? Trifle is amazing! Basically you get some sponge cake, pound cake, or madelines and break them up at the bottom of a bowl (glass is better as you can see the layers). You then soak the cake mixture in a little sherry, cover it in fruit salad and then pour jelly (jello) on top. Then when the jelly is set add a layer of custard. When that is set add a layer of cream (whipped or double is best). Lastly decorate with hundreds of thousands (sprinkles) and dig in! The trifle mix is basically a box with jelly mix, custard powder, hundreds and thousands and the cream topping mix inside it. (By the way this won't get you anything in the Neopets recipe contest!) Its a traditional British recipe and is most delicious!
Editorial #165 wrote:What is this rubbish about a floating island where it is always night-time... -borovan
Editorial #159 wrote:I want to give the Kadoatie to my pet, but it's too expensive. How can I get it? - Reika88888
It is possible to win a Kadoatie from the Kadoatery if you look after enough Kadoaties. Otherwise Kadoaties are sold in the Petpet shop for around 18,000 NP.
Fri Jul 21, 2006 3:40 pm
Fri Jul 21, 2006 4:05 pm
Fri Jul 21, 2006 4:21 pm
Fri Jul 21, 2006 5:37 pm
thelilbear wrote:Editorial #165 wrote:
What is this rubbish about a floating island where it is always night-time... -borovan
that's adam's neopets name, one of the creators of neopets. maybe that has something to do with it?
Fri Jul 21, 2006 6:34 pm
theonlysaneone wrote:thelilbear wrote:Editorial #165 wrote:
What is this rubbish about a floating island where it is always night-time... -borovan
that's adam's neopets name, one of the creators of neopets. maybe that has something to do with it?
I knew that, it's just that he was referencing Scurvy Island before the CoM plot even came about. Now that plot is long gone, and STILL no Scurvy Island. And yes, I did happen upon the editorial where they said it was too much like Krawk Island, but I still like the Scurvy version better.
theonlysaneone wrote:Editorial #175 wrote:Ok, so this may be a stupid question, but here goes.. The Rainbow Fountain?! I have been playing for 8 months and I have never seen it open. What exactly is this fountain and will it ever be working? - neosass31
It is totally random when it works. There is no way to tell at what time of the day, or for how long it will be active. Rumour has it on the Faerie Festival it is more powerful than at any other time though!
Fri Jul 21, 2006 7:19 pm
matchbow wrote:theonlysaneone wrote:Editorial #175 wrote:Ok, so this may be a stupid question, but here goes.. The Rainbow Fountain?! I have been playing for 8 months and I have never seen it open. What exactly is this fountain and will it ever be working? - neosass31
It is totally random when it works. There is no way to tell at what time of the day, or for how long it will be active. Rumour has it on the Faerie Festival it is more powerful than at any other time though!
I remember when the rainbow fountain came out, you could use it randomly at certain random times. or you needed fountain coupons, or you needed to sign up for sponsors and do stuff. i just know that it was way easier to use than it is now
Fri Jul 21, 2006 7:49 pm
Sat Jul 22, 2006 2:16 am
Nefasturris wrote:matchbow wrote:theonlysaneone wrote:Editorial #175 wrote:Ok, so this may be a stupid question, but here goes.. The Rainbow Fountain?! I have been playing for 8 months and I have never seen it open. What exactly is this fountain and will it ever be working? - neosass31
It is totally random when it works. There is no way to tell at what time of the day, or for how long it will be active. Rumour has it on the Faerie Festival it is more powerful than at any other time though!
I remember when the rainbow fountain came out, you could use it randomly at certain random times. or you needed fountain coupons, or you needed to sign up for sponsors and do stuff. i just know that it was way easier to use than it is now
I remember that now. You signed up for sponsers and you got the Fountain Passses and you could change your pet's species and color. Though you had to have a certain amount of passes for each, didn't you?
Sat Jul 22, 2006 2:27 am
Sat Jul 22, 2006 2:52 am
Sat Jul 22, 2006 4:48 am
Sat Jul 22, 2006 12:36 pm
Sat Jul 22, 2006 12:40 pm
Sat Jul 22, 2006 2:27 pm
Ixistant wrote:Yea. Oh, and Trifle tastes absolutely gorgeous. Try it. It's delicious.
Daze wrote:I don't actually know what is suppose to be in the "trifle mix". I don't think it is a real product.