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What are your current goals?

Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:46 pm

At the moment I'm saving up with my boyfriend so we can get him a Pirate Paintbrush. I've already bought him a Pirate Petpet Paintbrush, so now he needs a Pirate Mynci to match his Harris (can you tell he watched Pirates of the Carribbean for the first time recently :P). After that I'll probably finish building my Neohome and furnishing it.

It's not really a goal, more a vague intention, but I'm also trying to get Meuka as a BD Challenger for the fourth Defenders of Neopia mission. Then I'll probably start training my battle pet up again.

So how about you?

Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:54 pm

Beat the Meerca Henchmen
Turn Athena_304 into a Halloween Yurble - halfway there!
Complete my gallery
Read more books to Athena_304
Get gold Sakhmet Solitaire Bonus trophy

Last edited by _lexxia on Thu Jul 20, 2006 9:04 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Thu Jul 20, 2006 3:55 pm

My goals always have been:

-Get over a million neopoints (and it's been over 5 years....I'm just lazy and I go on Neopets on & off)
-Faerie Paintbrush for my Aisha
-Maraquan Paintbrush for my Uni
-Royal Paintbrush for my (girl) Flotsam
-Tons of Peophin morphing potions for my Zilary (lab pet)

So far I haven't accomplished any. :(

Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:08 pm

First, to get up to 800k NP.

Second, to buy a lab map with it, so I can start getting more avatars.

Third, to get back up to 800k NP.

Right now, I'm about half way :(

Although, I have more NP now than almost any time in the history of my playing. I just enjoy spending too much to save :)

Re: What are your current goals?

Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:26 pm

Ms Manic wrote:It's not really a goal, more a vague intention, but I'm also trying to get Meuka as a BD Challenger for the fourth Defenders of Neopia mission. Then I'll probably start training my battle pet up again.
So how about you?

Heh... I'm stuck on the second mission b/c I don't have the Ghost Lupe as a challenger.

miz sparrow wrote:First, to get up to 800k NP.
Second, to buy a lab map with it, so I can start getting more avatars.
Third, to get back up to 800k NP.
Right now, I'm about half way

Last month, I bought my lab map in pieces for ~430K in about 15 minutes using the SW, so you're just about there (of course, it would clean you out).

My goals have been nebulous, but I'll write them now so I can work harder at them:

1) To get a gold trophy in Lenny Conundrum
2) To get to the highest-interest bank account (except they keep making a new level every time I near it)
3) To get more avatars (which is keeping me from reaching 2)
4) To build up my sand/beach gallery
5) To keep enjoying myself on Neopets

Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:35 pm

My goals keep changing back and forth. First I wanted a lap map (Still Do!) I've got six of the pieces. Then I spent all my neopoints for my daughters birthday. (She got a Starry paintbrush and any starry items I could find-she loves the stars!) I also want a baby paintbrush for my kougra. I only have the one pet right now cause I love spoiling him. (And when I get the lab map I'll create or adopt a pet to zap-I've put too much into my baby!) I'm also working on a booktastic badge-we've read 32 booktastic books) and that takes neopoints too!


Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:41 pm

You will find the ghost lupe at the Neohome location of 131 Soup Alley.

ms, if you get the desiese faster than me, could you please pm me so i can get it too? i'll do the same ok?

My goals are:

to have a fire koi
to have a cool lutari
to have a tyrannian buzz (that was transformed into a ruky :x )
i also wished for a darigan eirie, but i'm happy with my maraquan one ;)
to have all the avvies i can get my hands on

Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:49 pm

From my lookup:
To Do :

    * Furnish NeoHome
    * Complete gallery
    * Complete stamp album
    * Complete NeoDeck and TCG album
    * Complete treasure maps
    * Complete Tyrannia 1 WC image
    * Complete Illusen's and Jhudora's quests
    * Finish NeoQuest I and II on Insane difficulty
    * Get Dibby another book award
    * Get Raesh into Ninja School
    * Get Sivle into Gourmet Club
    * Get Dibby and Raesh nice weapons (see Raesh's petpage for info)
    * Feed some Kadoaties
    * Get some more nice avatars:
    MvsF, Edna, Petpetsitter, Space Faerie, Tooth Faerie, Harris, Slorg, Kelp
    * Get more sidebars (Holidays, Altador?)
    * Get more BD challengers:
    Black Pteri, Tax Beast, Shadow Usul, Count Von Roo, Lab Scientist, Space Faerie, Greedy Kadoatie
    * Get a gold LC trophy

Enough to keep me busy for a while, eh?

Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:50 pm

lol...I have many.

-To have over 10 million np in my bank account at all times (I'm at a little over 1 million now)
-To paint Ylysander (Yurble) with the Mystery Island Paint Brush
-To paint Lenandra (Xweetok) with the Faerie Paint Brush
-To paint ynicholas (Lutari) something frickin sweet when it comes out
-To have them all have the max number of abilities for what I've chosen for them (Ylysander-Earth, Lenandra-Fire, ynicholas-Water)

That's all I can think of for now. When I reach those goals (which will be in forever), then I will probably come up with new ones...

EDIT: Oh yeah! I forgot...eventually I want to have a Pink Lenny because they look SO much like pink flamingos...I must have one to reflect my username, eh.
Last edited by Pink on Thu Jul 20, 2006 5:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Jul 20, 2006 4:54 pm

    Get to 1mil.
    Get Meuka as a challenger.
    Get a trophy at Typing Terror.
    Get my pet to strength 50.

Thu Jul 20, 2006 5:01 pm

Rauven wrote:You will find the ghost lupe at the Neohome location of 131 Soup Alley.

Thanks. I was wondering how many times I'd get him growling at me before he challenged me. :oops:

Thu Jul 20, 2006 6:34 pm

Pretty cut out already, these are my current goals:

- Get a Plushie Krawk
- Get an MSP Poogle
- Get a fourth Plushie Pet, as yet species not set out.
- All with Plushie Petpets, of course

- Lab Map

- After that is done, get to work on my Plushie gallery

Thu Jul 20, 2006 6:46 pm

-Create/finalize all of my pet's appearances and personalities
-Create nice petpages for all of them (3.3 more to go!)
-Paint them according to the first goal (2 more to go)
-Get matching petpets for all
-Train my battle pet
-Get more trophies for my lookup
-Get 5 million np (just over 3mil)

That should keep me busy for a looooong time. I'm slow and get distracted easily ^^

Thu Jul 20, 2006 6:51 pm

I'm probably never going to achieve all my goals (I'm better at spending than saving) but I'll list them anyway...

- Faerie PB
- Another Faerie PB
- Plushie PB
- Various expensive Morphing Potions
- As many dubloons/codestones as I can get my hands on
- A couple of rare painted Petpets
- A fully-upgraded 10-room Sand Neohome in the Lost Desert
- Fill my Gallery with Scarab items
- More avatars and sidebar themes (not really a "goal". I just hate the yellow sidebar)
- More trophies
- More Guild members...

... etc. Good luck to everyone else with your goals :)

Thu Jul 20, 2006 6:51 pm

-Have the lab zap my lab rat into a robot Lupe
-Hit 5mil np for the interest upgrade (I'm at 3.1!)
-Start/finish a yellow/desert Aisha gallery

Otherwise I'm pretty much done. 3 of my pets are their final color (if lab ray would cooperate it'd be all 4), all of them have their petpets and petpetpets... Neohome's done, Neodeck's done... yeah I'm kinda bored with my main. One of my sides has 3 out of 4 pets painted their final colors too.
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