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Annoying lookup style tag problem

Wed Jul 19, 2006 1:37 pm

I don't know why TNT has to mess about and make thing so difficult. I had wanted to change a bit of my lookup about 2 weeks ago, turns out i couldn't because of the new style tags rule. So in the end i had to scrap my lookup and search for hours for a site that actually had one that was 'allowed'. So i put in all the info on the new lookup that i had to spruce it up a bit and went away kinda satisfied.

Today i wanted to change my neopets password and when i entered the new password, i got to a page with the an error and it's the same

Invalid words or disallowed element names found in your style tags. (Class or ID names must be preceded with a . or #).

It's particularly irritating since when i put up my lookup it was fine and i got throught editing it just fine without this problem. And now it's come back to haunt me again and it's annoying. I really feel like stripping my lookup and keeping it bare since it's so much hassle trying to just change my stupid password.

Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:12 pm

Just put a . or # before the words it has a problem with. It worked for me :)

Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:14 pm

I had the same problem recently. All of a sudden the perfectly legal <caption> tag is no longer allowed to be assigned properties in CSS.. o_O

Wed Jul 19, 2006 3:09 pm

They do a pretty good job of explaining the why's and how's here:
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