Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:04 am
Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:06 am
Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:08 am
Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:39 am
Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:55 am
MatrixEquestrian wrote:I would say it's the same as selling neopets, items (paint brushes, codestones, etc) for real money, which is definitly against neopets rules. I can't say I'm positive Neopets themselves puts it in the same category, but my guess is they do.
Wed Jul 19, 2006 3:00 am
Wed Jul 19, 2006 3:30 am
Wed Jul 19, 2006 4:14 am
nialliv_957 wrote:The codes may be legit, but this is definitely against T&C. I don't know that there's a way for Neopets to find out the code has been bought on eBay, though, nor do I really think they care very much.
Wed Jul 19, 2006 4:30 am
Gondra wrote:nialliv_957 wrote:The codes may be legit, but this is definitely against T&C. I don't know that there's a way for Neopets to find out the code has been bought on eBay, though, nor do I really think they care very much.
how is it against Neopets T&C? It's not what i call a "virtual" item (ie. neopet, paintbrush, codestone etc) .. YET.. while it is on Ebay I would consider it merchandise.. something you have bought at a store for a certain amount of REAL money (even if it was a free object that came with the merchandise as rare item codes are to my knowledge), and as far as I can read in T&C.. selling something like merchandise that you bought with your own REAL money, wether it be a plushie or the rare item code you got with the plushie.. shouldnt matter.
Wed Jul 19, 2006 4:34 am
nialliv_957 wrote:Gondra wrote:nialliv_957 wrote:The codes may be legit, but this is definitely against T&C. I don't know that there's a way for Neopets to find out the code has been bought on eBay, though, nor do I really think they care very much.
how is it against Neopets T&C? It's not what i call a "virtual" item (ie. neopet, paintbrush, codestone etc) .. YET.. while it is on Ebay I would consider it merchandise.. something you have bought at a store for a certain amount of REAL money (even if it was a free object that came with the merchandise as rare item codes are to my knowledge), and as far as I can read in T&C.. selling something like merchandise that you bought with your own REAL money, wether it be a plushie or the rare item code you got with the plushie.. shouldnt matter.
Selling a plushie complete with rare item code shouldn't be against T&C. I would imagine selling a code IS simply because the code is quite obviously going to become an item.
Wed Jul 19, 2006 4:55 am
Gondra wrote:
if that is the case, as you are saying, its against T&C because it WILL become an item, then it should also be against T&C to sell plushies with their rare item codes (ie. the mini type shop vendors on Ebay who sell stuff through the internet, not in a store) because, with or without its plushie attached or whatever item it came with.. it still becomes an item in the end.
The only other thing I can think of is how some items aren't for what is called.. "resale" and the only example i can think of to explain this is a big bag of 12 packet potato chips.. where u get 12 mini snack sized potato chip packets in one big bag (do u guys have them in the states?) and on the little bags it has "not for resale" in otherwords you can't sell tehm seperatley. Never had a rare item code myself though so don't know if Neopets has something like that or similar on them.
Wed Jul 19, 2006 4:58 am
nialliv_957 wrote:Gondra wrote:
if that is the case, as you are saying, its against T&C because it WILL become an item, then it should also be against T&C to sell plushies with their rare item codes (ie. the mini type shop vendors on Ebay who sell stuff through the internet, not in a store) because, with or without its plushie attached or whatever item it came with.. it still becomes an item in the end.
The only other thing I can think of is how some items aren't for what is called.. "resale" and the only example i can think of to explain this is a big bag of 12 packet potato chips.. where u get 12 mini snack sized potato chip packets in one big bag (do u guys have them in the states?) and on the little bags it has "not for resale" in otherwords you can't sell tehm seperatley. Never had a rare item code myself though so don't know if Neopets has something like that or similar on them.
Selling a plushie could be considered legitimate- the item code just happens to be attached. As you said, the item code is 'not for resale'. I seem to remember back in the day when the codes came out that TNT said something about it not being acceptable to buy them with NP, so I really think it would similarly not be allowed to buy them with real money.
Wed Jul 19, 2006 5:04 am
Gondra wrote:
i didn't say they are "not for resale", was more asking if they have that or anything similar printed on them as some things i know do. Sounds like an editorial question if you ask me.
Wed Jul 19, 2006 5:12 am
Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:52 am