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Rare item codes for sale

Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:04 am

I was just over at ebay looking around and saw many offers to sell rare item codes delivered to your email box. Is this even legal and who would pay real money to earn a few neopoints ? Depending on how many you wanted to buy, each code was $1.00 to $2.50.

Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:06 am

Well seeing as Plushies go for around 14 bucks, I'd say it was okay... Legal? Don't know. But Limited Too is a bit far from me, so I guess it'd help a bit :S

Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:08 am

I wouldn't buy them. The odds are they're used codes and worthless.

Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:39 am

I would say it's the same as selling neopets, items (paint brushes, codestones, etc) for real money, which is definitly against neopets rules. I can't say I'm positive Neopets themselves puts it in the same category, but my guess is they do.

Wed Jul 19, 2006 2:55 am

MatrixEquestrian wrote:I would say it's the same as selling neopets, items (paint brushes, codestones, etc) for real money, which is definitly against neopets rules. I can't say I'm positive Neopets themselves puts it in the same category, but my guess is they do.

Actually it's more in the catagory of re-selling a neopets plushie. Since you don't know what the item code will give someone. Which in my opinion is fine. And is often allowed, or at least ignored, with other online games. Neopets may have decided it's against their TOC though, which is probably their right as a content provider.

I do agree with Teelie that there dosen't seem to be a way to know if the merchendice is any good or not.

If you care report it to e-bay

Wed Jul 19, 2006 3:00 am

I did check the feedback of several sellers and they were all 100%, Two buyers even mentioned that they got a PB. There is really a lot of these for sale on ebay.

Wed Jul 19, 2006 3:30 am

The codes may be legit, but this is definitely against T&C. I don't know that there's a way for Neopets to find out the code has been bought on eBay, though, nor do I really think they care very much.

Wed Jul 19, 2006 4:14 am

nialliv_957 wrote:The codes may be legit, but this is definitely against T&C. I don't know that there's a way for Neopets to find out the code has been bought on eBay, though, nor do I really think they care very much.

how is it against Neopets T&C? It's not what i call a "virtual" item (ie. neopet, paintbrush, codestone etc) .. YET.. while it is on Ebay I would consider it merchandise.. something you have bought at a store for a certain amount of REAL money (even if it was a free object that came with the merchandise as rare item codes are to my knowledge), and as far as I can read in T&C.. selling something like merchandise that you bought with your own REAL money, wether it be a plushie or the rare item code you got with the plushie.. shouldnt matter.

Wed Jul 19, 2006 4:30 am

Gondra wrote:
nialliv_957 wrote:The codes may be legit, but this is definitely against T&C. I don't know that there's a way for Neopets to find out the code has been bought on eBay, though, nor do I really think they care very much.

how is it against Neopets T&C? It's not what i call a "virtual" item (ie. neopet, paintbrush, codestone etc) .. YET.. while it is on Ebay I would consider it merchandise.. something you have bought at a store for a certain amount of REAL money (even if it was a free object that came with the merchandise as rare item codes are to my knowledge), and as far as I can read in T&C.. selling something like merchandise that you bought with your own REAL money, wether it be a plushie or the rare item code you got with the plushie.. shouldnt matter.

Selling a plushie complete with rare item code shouldn't be against T&C. I would imagine selling a code IS simply because the code is quite obviously going to become an item.

Wed Jul 19, 2006 4:34 am

nialliv_957 wrote:
Gondra wrote:
nialliv_957 wrote:The codes may be legit, but this is definitely against T&C. I don't know that there's a way for Neopets to find out the code has been bought on eBay, though, nor do I really think they care very much.

how is it against Neopets T&C? It's not what i call a "virtual" item (ie. neopet, paintbrush, codestone etc) .. YET.. while it is on Ebay I would consider it merchandise.. something you have bought at a store for a certain amount of REAL money (even if it was a free object that came with the merchandise as rare item codes are to my knowledge), and as far as I can read in T&C.. selling something like merchandise that you bought with your own REAL money, wether it be a plushie or the rare item code you got with the plushie.. shouldnt matter.

Selling a plushie complete with rare item code shouldn't be against T&C. I would imagine selling a code IS simply because the code is quite obviously going to become an item.

if that is the case, as you are saying, its against T&C because it WILL become an item, then it should also be against T&C to sell plushies with their rare item codes (ie. the mini type shop vendors on Ebay who sell stuff through the internet, not in a store) because, with or without its plushie attached or whatever item it came with.. it still becomes an item in the end.

The only other thing I can think of is how some items aren't for what is called.. "resale" and the only example i can think of to explain this is a big bag of 12 packet potato chips.. where u get 12 mini snack sized potato chip packets in one big bag (do u guys have them in the states?) and on the little bags it has "not for resale" in otherwords you can't sell tehm seperatley. Never had a rare item code myself though so don't know if Neopets has something like that or similar on them.

Wed Jul 19, 2006 4:55 am

Gondra wrote:
if that is the case, as you are saying, its against T&C because it WILL become an item, then it should also be against T&C to sell plushies with their rare item codes (ie. the mini type shop vendors on Ebay who sell stuff through the internet, not in a store) because, with or without its plushie attached or whatever item it came with.. it still becomes an item in the end.

The only other thing I can think of is how some items aren't for what is called.. "resale" and the only example i can think of to explain this is a big bag of 12 packet potato chips.. where u get 12 mini snack sized potato chip packets in one big bag (do u guys have them in the states?) and on the little bags it has "not for resale" in otherwords you can't sell tehm seperatley. Never had a rare item code myself though so don't know if Neopets has something like that or similar on them.

Selling a plushie could be considered legitimate- the item code just happens to be attached. As you said, the item code is 'not for resale'. I seem to remember back in the day when the codes came out that TNT said something about it not being acceptable to buy them with NP, so I really think it would similarly not be allowed to buy them with real money.

Wed Jul 19, 2006 4:58 am

nialliv_957 wrote:
Gondra wrote:
if that is the case, as you are saying, its against T&C because it WILL become an item, then it should also be against T&C to sell plushies with their rare item codes (ie. the mini type shop vendors on Ebay who sell stuff through the internet, not in a store) because, with or without its plushie attached or whatever item it came with.. it still becomes an item in the end.

The only other thing I can think of is how some items aren't for what is called.. "resale" and the only example i can think of to explain this is a big bag of 12 packet potato chips.. where u get 12 mini snack sized potato chip packets in one big bag (do u guys have them in the states?) and on the little bags it has "not for resale" in otherwords you can't sell tehm seperatley. Never had a rare item code myself though so don't know if Neopets has something like that or similar on them.

Selling a plushie could be considered legitimate- the item code just happens to be attached. As you said, the item code is 'not for resale'. I seem to remember back in the day when the codes came out that TNT said something about it not being acceptable to buy them with NP, so I really think it would similarly not be allowed to buy them with real money.

i didn't say they are "not for resale", was more asking if they have that or anything similar printed on them as some things i know do. Sounds like an editorial question if you ask me.

Wed Jul 19, 2006 5:04 am

Gondra wrote:
i didn't say they are "not for resale", was more asking if they have that or anything similar printed on them as some things i know do. Sounds like an editorial question if you ask me.

Allow me to word that better. As you SUGGESTED, the item codes are not for resale.

I believe this actually was an editorial question when the codes were relatively new (sticks out in my mind because I actually had a few codes), but I haven't been able to find it. Probably worth sending it in again.
Last edited by nialliv_957 on Wed Jul 19, 2006 5:21 am, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Jul 19, 2006 5:12 am

Seems to me even if it were against the rules to buy them, it would be impossible to tell if a person was buying them on ebay or getting them from a pack of cards purchased at the local toys R us.

Wed Jul 19, 2006 7:52 am

MOST of the codes for sale are from TCG cards, and come on a TCG card themselves. I see nothing wrong with selling the card that has the code (with a guarantee that the code has not been used). It is a physical item, even if that physical item happens to have a redeemable code.

Funny thing is that I can buy a pack, on clearance, here for 25 cents and each pack contains one code card. Why would anybody buy the old code cards for over $1 apiece?
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