For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Mon Jul 17, 2006 12:42 pm
What does it do? IDB dont have it up in they're area so I dont know what it does exactly and it's tempting to find out..
Mon Jul 17, 2006 12:46 pm
You could ask on
NeoItems. They've got it in their item database.
Mon Jul 17, 2006 1:34 pm
Weight : 1 lbs.
Rarity : 97
Cost (approx) : 423 NP
Description: Kayla may have taken a bit of a chance with this potion.
That's all NeoItems has on it. The picture looks... interesting. Not sure how much it's worth. Can't find it on the wiz and I don't want to risk the TP or Auctions. No idea what it does... maybe it turns you into King Skarl?
Mon Jul 17, 2006 4:49 pm
Searching for ... Potion of Meridell Castle
The 2 lowest prices of a Potion of Meridell Castle average out to: 94,500 NP
Here's a post on the IDB forum:
Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:53 pm
How did you get it? I suggest you don't use it, as it might not do anything, but you could make a tidy profit if you sell it. It's hard to choose, see if anyone else selling it knows what it does. Otherwise, I think you should keep it in case it comes in handy, or in case the price shoots up.
Mon Jul 17, 2006 11:53 pm
Potion of Meridell and Brightvale Castle are sold at Kayla's Potion Shop for around 500 np. Niether is in the IDB database because they are most likely not BD related.
Tue Jul 18, 2006 10:56 pm
stampsyne wrote:Potion of Meridell and Brightvale Castle are sold at Kayla's Potion Shop for around 500 np. Niether is in the IDB database because they are most likely not BD related.
Correct. Since we have no clue what they do, or whether they have anything to do with stats or healing, they are not in the database.
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