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Neohome Placing

Mon Jul 17, 2006 8:52 am

I was poking around on neopets today and........
I realised I didn't have a neohome!
I wondered why I didn't have one, and remembered that I was having trouble with where to put it.
Any suggestions please?

Mon Jul 17, 2006 9:17 am

The only difference in where you put your neohome (besides the cost) is the look of the land tiles. You'll need to choose which ones you like for yourself. This will only apply until you build on the tile with a room or garden which look the same for everybody .. so in a sense it doesn't really matter much.

Here's an example tile from each world.
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Thu Jul 20, 2006 12:47 am

Hiya! Personally, I love my home in Faerieland. Looking down from the clouds you get a great view of the rest of Neopia. heh heh. :D The other place I'd love to have a home is Maraqua, just because I like the tiles. If you're getting into neohoming, feel free to stop by my place and have a look (username jennythegreat). Neohomes and gardens are one of my favorite things to do in Neopia and I'm hoping to go for the Spotlight when I'm finished. Good luck with your house and let me know if you need any help! :)
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