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What would you do? -- A Reseller's Blues - Part 1

Sun Jul 16, 2006 8:32 pm

The day started off as usual, browsing the Trading section of the neoboards and dancing dangerously over the lots while attempting to avoid a CG, mingling with auctions and haggling with stubborn sellers in an attempt to make a minor profit.

Upon setting up my usual board, I noticed someone was selling a Krawk Transmogrification Potion. Interested, I inquired and we eventually agreed on a price by private auctions. Ten minutes later it was mispriced, and in the end competing with four other sudden bidders that were not apart of the deal I snatched it for (in total) a 1.5m discount.

My intentions were reselling from the very beginning, it's my living-- it's what I do. But after being persuaded by a fellow bidder in using it, I'm not so sure. It's now sitting in my lonely SDB along with my near-packrat collection, and I just don't know what to do.

The person noticed his mistake and was really, in a panic, as I would be. I offered if there was anything I could do, but at the same time.. A mistake is a mistake, I shouldn't be punished for it. They were presented with the idea of contacting TNT to see if anything could be done, as they honestly knew the price beforehand and had somehow (I still don't know how, it was 10k to start) mispriced while putting it up.

At the same time, when I won, the price had jumped to around 250k.

What should I do?. Should I go on through the day without guilt or remorse?. What's the policy on these things?. I was willing to pay any price, but it was technically his fault in doing.

Should I resell, should I use?. I feel terrible, but at the same time that's like accidentally accepting a 1np offer for a PB-- once you do it, it's gone and no one is to blame but yourself.

Sun Jul 16, 2006 8:38 pm

I've been on the other side of that before, and I'll tell you, it doesn't feel good. Maybe you could give them back half of what it cost through the trading post--so that they wouldn't feel like they lost everything. Whatever you choose to do, I guarantee you TNT won't do anything.

Sun Jul 16, 2006 8:47 pm

It's a shame. In a way, I'm annoyed because even before agreeing to buying it for a firm average price, there was another bidder before me bidding. It was private auctions, too. Usually when someone agrees to a private auction, there's one bidder-- that's you-- for the price you agreed on. That's why it's private, not live or public or free-for-all.

This was before they even noticed it was mispriced.

I had to point it out for them and that's when they paniced and started inviting other bidders.

Sun Jul 16, 2006 9:02 pm

So... they invited the other bidders in an attempt to outbid you to cover up for their mistake? O_o

If it were me, I'd probably take the potion and run. Whatever guilt I'd build up would probably be overshadowed by the fact that they tried to wiggle out of a mistake (and have me suffer for it) that I kindly pointed out to them, that they might not have even noticed if I hadn't brought it up.

On the other hand, if you agreed on a price, and I were in your shoes, I probably would have just bid the agreed price (or a few 10k lower than it). :oops:

Sun Jul 16, 2006 9:07 pm

Keep it. Screw 'em. It's up to the seller to carefully price the item. And the fact that someone else was bidding on your supposedly private auction even before the seller realized the pricing error is fishy enough. Use the potion or sell it; it's yours.

Sun Jul 16, 2006 9:08 pm

I couldn't bid the agreed price. You can only bid 5k over the asking price, and the misprice was so large that I ended up bidding 15k at the beginning for it. But yes, they did invite other bidders in an attempt to outbid me to cover their mistake.

They just sent a neomail my way asking for it back, and that they'd give me the neopoints I bidded back, and I'd buy it from them at the original price they wanted prior to making the mistake.

I really want to do exactly like you said, but I'm scared my reputation could get damaged. I mean, I had complications yesterday from someone just because I offered to buy their Draik trans 50k below their asking price. When they said no in a VERY rude manner, I politely wished them good luck.

Two hours later they came back saying they'd accept my offer of 50k less, but by then I was no longer interested in declined. This was all verbal by neomail, no actual bidding taking place-- or auctioning for that matter.

They spammed my name across someone else's board who both of us had no relation to and "warned" them about me and trying to dirty my name, basically. All because I told them I wasn't interested two hours later. Sour feelings, y'anno?.

But then again even if they tried, I don't think too many people would side with someone somehow mispricing a 1.8m item and auctioning it off with a starting bid of 10k. I mean, how can you mistake removing two zeros and forgetting a 7?.

Sun Jul 16, 2006 9:11 pm

If you feel that bad about it, why don't you resell it and split the profit?

Sun Jul 16, 2006 9:12 pm

It's not your fault that they weren't paying attention, and a starting price of 10k certainly sounds like more than a minor mistake. Plus, as has already been mentioned, getting other bidders to inflate your private auction is totally sleazy. You're not responsible for covering this person's losses. Resell (or use, if you like) your new potion and move on. Don't feel guilty, you've helped teach them a valuable lesson about being careful in the future. ;)

As for worrying about your reputation, I somehow doubt that this person will admit to being so foolish and careless with such a high-end item. :lol:

Sun Jul 16, 2006 9:17 pm

If you agreed upon 1,800,000 and it was supposed to be a private auction, shouldn't it have been set up for somewhere between 1,795,000 and 1,799,000? And it was priced at 10,000? :roll:

Sun Jul 16, 2006 9:21 pm

Asparagus Queen wrote:If you agreed upon 1,800,000 and it was supposed to be a private auction, shouldn't it have been set up for somewhere between 1,795,000 and 1,799,000? And it was priced at 10,000? :roll:

Exactly. It should have been. You don't know my surprise to see it was 10,000np.

I have screenies as proof too, so.. XD
But yeah. Again, I had to point out that they mispriced. If I were to be quiet, it would've went for 15k instead of him getting other bidders after panicing at his mistake.

I think I am going to keep it though, either for using or otherwise. Thanks for any comments, guys.

I just kindly told him to contact TNT to resolve any issues and will not be saying anything else. Hopefully he'll notice under..

Contact Us > Auctions > Mispriced Items -- it clearly says..
I mispriced my auction at a very low price. Can I cancel my auction?

Unfortunately there is nothing we can do to remove your item or reprice it. Please be more careful as to what price you enter next time.

Sun Jul 16, 2006 9:41 pm

JCMidore wrote:I couldn't bid the agreed price. You can only bid 5k over the asking price, and the misprice was so large that I ended up bidding 15k at the beginning for it.

Oh. I didn't know that. No wonder I keep seeing items jumping in price 5k at a time over there. :roll:

Sun Jul 16, 2006 9:52 pm

If they want it back so badly, you could sell it back to them with a profit in the price...but I don't know if you'd want to do that or if the other player would want to pay it.

Sun Jul 16, 2006 10:07 pm

I'd give it back in return for the NPs :( It's a "do unto others" kinda thing, you know? If it had happened to me, I wouldn't expect the person to give the item back, but I'd really really hope they had the "niceness" to do so. I think it would be a good thing for your reputation, besides...

Sun Jul 16, 2006 11:17 pm

please, do keep the potion, sell it use it, whatever. if they want, sell them at the suposed price. it's really not your fault, and they took it in a sleezy manner, inviting other people to bid on your PRIVATE auction. it's yours to keep!

Sun Jul 16, 2006 11:28 pm

That's happened to me, only a much smaller amount. I think you should split the profit, as that is a very big loss, but it is technically his fault for mispricing it.
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