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First time 'quick-adopting'

Sat Jul 15, 2006 8:38 pm

I will, shortly, and for the first time, 'quick-adopt' a pet. Now I've gotten an explanation, yes, but I want absolute clarity on this thing as it's very important for me. Am I correct in assuming that all I have to do is type in this link, replacing 'PETSNAME', with the pet's name, and then keep refreshing on the time the owner had agreed to pound it? For example, ... =Jenni_Gov

- For the record, Jenni_Gov is my pet, so you don't need to try ;) -

While I keep refreshing, the amount required to adopt will just be deducted from my NP, and the pet will be put with me as soon as it enters the pound and I refresh, yes?

I'm sorry if this sounds like an obvious question, but I want absolute clarity on this.

Sat Jul 15, 2006 9:47 pm

Yes, if you refresh right when the pet enters the pound, your account will adopt the pet if somebody doesn't beat you to it. You will be redirected to your pet page and the newly adopted pet will be your selected pet.

TEST the link. If you cannot adopt a pet or if you don't have enough neopoints .. the page will tell you so! If the page says the pet already has an owner, then you are good to go.

Sun Jul 16, 2006 5:35 am

What I do, is before someone puts it into the pound if your adopting it from someone else is on IE hit the f5 button on the quick adopt link before they put it into the pound, I've never lost a pet doing it that way.
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