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Should I paint my eyrie grey, or wait for faerie eyries?

Total votes : 30

Faerie or grey pb?

Fri Jul 14, 2006 7:17 pm

Should I paint my eyrie grey, or wait for faerie eyries to be created/released by TNT?

Fact of the matter is, way back in winter '05 I'd already been out of Neopets for a while, but seeing the faerie eyrie in the "unreleased" thread here caused me to go back. But, the faerie eyrie was not only never released, its images were removed from the Neopets server so that version of it may never be released. >_<

However I created my eyrie assuming he'd be painted faerie. I wanted his personality to be vain, snobby, and a little foolish - an overpampered and spoiled pet.

When the grey eyrie was released a short time ago, I loved that color as well, and with a bit of tweaking my eyrie's personality might suit it - the grey eyrie looks cranky and sulky, after all.


So: paint him grey or wait for faerie to even be an option? No matter how the poll goes, I'm going to wait a while on this decision as this is a LOT of np for me to spend (I'm not a great earner! ^^;;), but please vote your opinion to help me decide!

Edit: By the way, his name is Zonf. Don't know if that sounds more faerie-ish or grey-ish. xD

Fri Jul 14, 2006 7:29 pm

I would go with grey just for the simple fact that the faerie eyrie seems to be going the way of other much-loved painted pets that were never released. The faerie eyrie has been on the server for ages, just as the grey draik (I believe). And the grey draik was never released, just as the faerie eyrie will probably never be released. (As you can probably tell, my expectations for Neopets are pretty low when it comes to releasing fabulous colors). In the end though, it's really your decision whether or not you want to wait for the faerie eyrie. Perhaps you could write in to the editorial or something asking whether a faerie eyrie will ever be released.

Fri Jul 14, 2006 8:04 pm

Zonf sounds a lot more grey than it does faerie, and it's a wonderful name.
I personally like it better than the other colour too. :3

Sat Jul 15, 2006 2:20 am

Maybe you should wait and see if they change the Faerie Eyrie when they release it. Perhaps you won't like it as much as the current unreleased version. But, like you said, you are still saving your neopennies.

Sat Jul 15, 2006 6:54 am

The faerie one looks way better than the grey. I'd wait. The best things in life are worth waiting for. :)

Sat Jul 15, 2006 11:25 am

I would go for grey, not because I don't have a grey pet ( :roflol: ) because grey eyries look cuter:)

Sat Jul 15, 2006 11:35 am

I chose the grey, simply because he looks adorable. (And I love tattered wings.)
Even as a grey pet, he seems like he'd still be snobby and spoiled. (And rightly so, since you are going to be dighing out a lot of money, either way! :))

Sat Jul 15, 2006 12:30 pm

Faerie ones for pets with wings already usually look amazing! look at the pteri and the lenny. i'd say, wait for faerie.

another option would be maraquan. look at it!


Tue Jul 18, 2006 3:25 pm

I like the grey one, it simply looks more interesting :)

Tue Jul 18, 2006 9:19 pm

To my opinion, Zong is grey. I mean, look at him. Hear that name. Say it out loud a couple times. It is practically the new *sigh*. And yes, tattered wings are great, and he's got a great face, too. 'Ah, just give it to me, and that too, and that, and that... what does it all matter, anyway?' :lol:

Thu Jul 20, 2006 11:50 pm

I prefer the Faerie since the grey is so drab and always looks sad...but if people are into drab then that would be the way to go...I like the faerie becasue it makes your pets look happy and bright...

Fri Jul 21, 2006 1:58 am

I'd wait.What if you paint it grey and you LOVE faerie?

Fri Jul 21, 2006 2:11 am

I'd hold out for Faerie, definitely. Grey pets are always sad, no matter how much you pamper them. I don't want pets to be sad. The other birdie Faerie pets (Pteri, Lenny) are awesome. Faerie Eyries are gonna rock your sox :)

Fri Jul 21, 2006 4:30 am

matchbow wrote:Faerie ones for pets with wings already usually look amazing! look at the pteri and the lenny. i'd say, wait for faerie.

another option would be maraquan. look at it!


I definitely agree. The Maraquan Eyrie looks fantastic, but I'm biased because I love the Maraquan pets.

Anyway, I think you should wait out for the faerie eyrie to (ever) be released. Probably shouldn't decide on which you'd prefer until you can see both side by side.

Plus, Faerie > Grey, imo. :P

Sat Jul 22, 2006 4:44 am

That Maraquan one is amazing.

Don't wait for Faerie. You could be waiting years.
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