For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Wed Jul 12, 2006 4:19 am
12th July - Tuskaninny Day
* To start off Tuskaninny day in style, we are pleased to unveil two new colours for the Tuskaninny at the Rainbow Pool.
* Congratulations to autoc007 for winning the User Lookup of the Week. Well done!
* The Toy Shop has four new Tuskaninny toys for you to add to your collection.
* Neohomes and Neogardens have been updated and now you can see pictures of each type of item used in a room below the actual room!
* There is a new Avatar for you to use on the Neoboards with a Tuskaninny theme...
* There is a brand new batch of Tuskaninny-themed Poems ready for you to read!
* Four new animated Tuskaninny pictures have been added to our Fun Images collection.
* Congratulations marchen. You have just won this week's Gallery Spotlight award with your shop dedicated to all things Tuskaninny themed.
* If you've ever wondered how to draw a Tuskaninny Sailor, this new How to Draw is right up your alley.
* There is a new Mystery Pic competition. The answer to the last one was The Old Follies Farm. 413 people guessed correctly, earning them 4843 NP each.
* Show how much you love the Tuskaninny by using the new Tuskaninny Screensaver.
* phasmo42 has a shiny Meridell Castle Spotlight trophy heading their way thanks to their level - Possible Ascension.
* If you are passing by the Magic Shop and realize that your Baby Tuskaninny look is getting old, why not buy a new morphing potion.
* Make sure you take your Tuskaninny to see Captain Threelegs. They are eligible for free training all day long on the 12th!
* There is a new page of Tuskaninny themed fan art for you to look at in the Art Gallery.
* An eager crowd of Neopets is riding the latest and greatest sponsor game - Universal Studios: Roller Coaster.
Wed Jul 12, 2006 4:58 am
Eh...I'm less than excited about most the changes lately. A new [creative] pb or a new [decent] pet would be great.
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