For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Wed Jul 12, 2006 4:13 am
There's been reports on the Neoboards that there's CG's (cookie grabbers) in the trades, so I'd be careful about what you're buying. So far from what I heard, it's causing people to be frozen, and it's happening on the Avatar item lending trades.
Wed Jul 12, 2006 4:16 am
In the trades? As in the Trading Post, or people being tricked using "Hey check out my trades for cheap avatar items!" to make people check out someone's lookup?
Wed Jul 12, 2006 4:17 am
$%#! I was on the TP all morning. >_<
...How can you be cookie grabbed on trades, though? Unless they're doing it the way Nefasturris mentioned.
Wed Jul 12, 2006 4:24 am
Nefasturris wrote:In the trades? As in the Trading Post, or people being tricked using "Hey check out my trades for cheap avatar items!" to make people check out someone's lookup?
I tried asking that, but my topic kept getting bumped off of the page. :/
EDIT: On the trading post itself, according to a topic on the Battledome boards.
EDIT2: Seems like it's happening in the Newest 20 lots.
Officer 1BDI wrote:$%#! I was on the TP all morning. >_<
...How can you be cookie grabbed on trades, though? Unless they're doing it the way Nefasturris mentioned.
malicious coding in the wishlist, perhaps?
Last edited by
Magica on Wed Jul 12, 2006 4:53 am, edited 3 times in total.
Wed Jul 12, 2006 4:33 am
Oh, great. I was on TP all day along with Auctions.
Wed Jul 12, 2006 5:00 am
I have heard this from another extremely reliable source, so my guess is that it is true. Seems that this person is attempting to find every weak spot that Neo has. For shame on him (or her). It's a game. The people he/she hurts are innocent people. Can someone really be that cruel? To want to hurt innocent people that did absolutely nothing wrong to him or her? I just can't imagine what kind of mentality that would take. Sigh.
Wed Jul 12, 2006 5:04 am
Can anyone get tips on how to avoid a CG once you've come across one?. I deleted cookies, changed my pass, deleted cookies again, and relogged.
Am I safe.. ?
Wed Jul 12, 2006 5:04 am
Magica wrote:Officer 1BDI wrote:$%#! I was on the TP all morning. >_<
...How can you be cookie grabbed on trades, though? Unless they're doing it the way Nefasturris mentioned.
malicious coding in the wishlist, perhaps?
I didn't even know you could put coding in the wishlist.

That sounds plausible, though. I'm glad I did my petpet searching this morning while this was apparantly (hopefully) not a problem.
EDIT: Ah, jeeze, someone's claiming there are CGers are on the NEOBOARDS now. I have no idea how possible that is, but I thought I'd throw it out anyway.
Wed Jul 12, 2006 5:30 am
Some people think that because it's a game that makes it less wrong to hurt people.
I was on the TP all this afternoon. Got a nifty spike trap for my office.
Anyone know what to do to decrease the odds of damage if you suspect you may have been cookie grabbed but have not yet experienced any abnormalities?
Wed Jul 12, 2006 6:27 am
Delete all Neopet and suspicious looking cookies and change your password, make sure you have pins enabled on everything of value and keep an eye out for strange glitches.
Wed Jul 12, 2006 6:40 am
Morningstar wrote:I have heard this from another extremely reliable source, so my guess is that it is true. Seems that this person is attempting to find every weak spot that Neo has. For shame on him (or her). It's a game. The people he/she hurts are innocent people. Can someone really be that cruel? To want to hurt innocent people that did absolutely nothing wrong to him or her? I just can't imagine what kind of mentality that would take. Sigh.
It doesn't really take any kind of mentality, as you said, it's only a game. No harm done.
Despite the fact that is rather selfish, and zaps the fun/frustration right out of Neopets.
Wed Jul 12, 2006 6:46 am
This kind of crap is the reason I hardly ever go on neo anymore.
Why should I work my butt off trying to earn np for paintbrushes etc. when it can all be taken away so easily?
These people take all the fun out of the game.
Wed Jul 12, 2006 7:02 am
I think it's ridiculous that TNT allows user coding on the wish list at the Trading Post in the first place! I wish they'd take security a little bit more seriously....
Wed Jul 12, 2006 7:09 am
SierraRaven wrote:I think it's ridiculous that TNT allows user coding on the wish list at the Trading Post in the first place! I wish they'd take security a little bit more seriously....

I didn't think you COULD use coding on the Wishlist.
Wed Jul 12, 2006 7:40 am
SierraRaven wrote:I think it's ridiculous that TNT allows user coding on the wish list at the Trading Post in the first place! I wish they'd take security a little bit more seriously....

No. No more seriously, haha. I can't even use CSS anymore, and the backgrounds I upload the internet I cannot link to. It makes custom shops/userlookups USELESS.
They take security too seriously, no matter what, Neopets will ALWAYS have script kiddies/pwnz0rs. There is nothing we can do, except be careful.
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