For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Wed Jul 12, 2006 12:02 am
I just went to update my guild's front page and the same coding that I used yesterday, not even 24 hours ago, is now being disallowed. First, it told me that I had one too many brackets. So, I got rid of the extra one, Then it told me that the words object, input, select, or form are disallowed. I have been using a premade layout from from for 6 weeks now (which uses those words) and updated it daily without a problem. And suddenly tonight, no can do. And, because the premade I used had a moving banner, I can't help but wonder if it resulted due to that epileptic-seizure causing background that many of us reported to Neo over the weekend? Could Neo act that quickly to fix the problem?
Trust me, I am not complaining. I don't mind if my moving background is eliminated. It was a premade and because I am HTML handicapped (according to my daughter, NatNat) I was sort of stuck with it. But, my curiousity has the better of me. My question is: is this happening to anyone else?
Wed Jul 12, 2006 12:07 am
This is the same thing that happened to me with my user look-up. Same bracket problem, same words disallowed. You are not alone!
I can't seem to combat it with mine, I am just waiting until something is done
Wed Jul 12, 2006 12:09 am
I haven't been having your problem, but I can imagine how TNT would chamge coding, as they're probably scared of getting sued for that flashing background.
Wed Jul 12, 2006 12:51 am
save_the _endangered_anim wrote:I haven't been having your problem, but I can imagine how TNT would chamge coding, as they're probably scared of getting sued for that flashing background.
Yes, that was my feeling as well. As soon as I couldn't input the coding, I said to myself, this has to be because of that background. Cause I had just input the exact same coding yesterday without a problem. And the timing was just too coincidental. Oh well, for the best. And hey, if anyone wouldn't mind, it would be me. I just thought that maybe it was something I was doing wrong. One other thing, though, I can't change the various background and type colors in my guild layout either. They are stuck in limbo.
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