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Two Quick Questions

Tue Jul 11, 2006 9:42 pm

1. Does anyone know what specie abilites a Xweetok can get, and at what levels?

2. To battle are my equipted items put to good use, or do I need something better?
Noxious Nectar
Scarab Ring
Slime Potion
Mud Mixture
Improved Lightning Beam
Leaf Shield
Dirty Snow
Green Frost Cannon

At the moment I can spend up to 30k. Thanks :)

Wed Jul 12, 2006 3:04 am

You should read the weapons advise thread that's pinned to the forum, your question would be better answered there. :)

Wed Jul 12, 2006 4:15 am

Always check out IDB for any basic battledome questions (linked in the announcement on top).

As it stands, it doesn't look like there is any info on the Xweetok's abilities
( ... ie=xweetok)

And yes, please direct your questions to the respective sticky
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