For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Tue Jul 11, 2006 2:36 pm

I don't complain much...but I finally had to voice my frustration...I'm just down-right unlucky when it comes to Neopets...I never get anything great from any of the dailies, I buy a stock that is supposed to do great and it drops really low, causing my finances put into it to drop, and I rarely get a random event...and when I do, it's either a dumb one that just says words or something steals from me...and on top of all that, when I do score high enough on a game to get an avvie, the system can't send my score luck in Neopia is terrible
Am I the only one? Does anyone else have issues with luck?
Tue Jul 11, 2006 2:42 pm
Well, you can try to get a lot of screen shots by playing Pyramids, Dice-A-Roo, and Gormball.
I heard the more screenshots you obtain, the more of a chance a random event will pop up.
Cheer up, I've been playing neopets for a little over 5 years...and I'm still not a millionaire.
Tue Jul 11, 2006 2:48 pm
Yes yes I can sympathise with you, I used to never have any good neopian luck either unlike a lot of other people, so I stopped relying on it and ever since it has started to change for the better.
Tue Jul 11, 2006 4:59 pm
Zilary wrote:Cheer up, I've been playing neopets for a little over 5 years...and I'm still not a millionaire.

Ditto. I've been on Neo for four and a half years and I'm only just creeping up to my first million neopoints!
Tue Jul 11, 2006 5:04 pm
in my 2 years of playing, I've raised 300,000NP and had something I would consider "lucky" happen twice. I'm beginning to give up, and only do the plots.
Tue Jul 11, 2006 5:18 pm
I'm exactly the same when it comes to luck. I've been playing for 5 years now, I only just reached a million in January, and I've never had anything amazing from any of the dailies. Whenever I do well on games it won't send the score, and I've only ever gotten one avatar from a game which was a complete fluke. My luck too, seems to be zero when it comes to neopets.
Tue Jul 11, 2006 5:35 pm
I know it seems tough but this kind of stuff sadly happens too a lot of people just keep playing neopets and you'll get a good random event or too. Stocks take time as well just keep following them and sell them when your up. I feel sometimes as if I have the same luck but I remember that this game is meant to be fun and if you play with a good attitude about it then things will start to seem good.
Tue Jul 11, 2006 5:37 pm
Everyone goes through bouts of bad luck, you can't expect everthing that's good to happen all the time.
Play some HTML games--Dice-a-roo, Pyramids, etc--with all the refreshing, you're bound to get some good REs.
Tue Jul 11, 2006 5:56 pm
Thanks for all of the good advice about playing games that requires the page to refresh. I don't know why I didn't think of that myself. lol. My fiancee only began playing for the stocks so I know it takes time for them to go up. It's nice to know I'm not alone in my cruddy luck.
Tue Jul 11, 2006 6:23 pm
Ugh, I hear you about the stocks. The ones I've bought, that were supposed to be good ones, have yet to break 20. They keep threatening to, but then sink back down the next day. <i>And they've been doing this for months!!</i>
As for the luck, I'd like to second the suggestion of playing HTML-based games. If you have the patience for it, both Neoquest games are also supposedly good for attracting random events. Almost all the "lucky" stuff that's happened to me in nearly three years of Neo - Faerie Quests, finding food, my single visit from Jacko, single visit from Fountain Faerie, being attacked by Von Roo and getting him as a BD challenger (okay, that was not so lucky), have been through Solitaire or Dice-a-roo.
Tue Jul 11, 2006 6:36 pm
Cliffhanger is also a good game to play if you want REs. It also has a good NP payout and has the chance to increase your pet's intelligence.
Tue Jul 11, 2006 6:45 pm
I find that things like bilge dice and cellblock give me the most random events. (although I tend to lose more than I make on bilge dice!)
Tue Jul 11, 2006 6:53 pm
You're not the only one who has no luck :/ I hardly ever get any good random events, and TNT very rarely accepts my work. I've submitted well over 5 pictures into the AG and one one has gotten in. My stocks are going downhill, and I'm still waiting for them to bounce up. ;-;
I suggest playing things like NQ and NQ2, though, because I've actually got some decent REs from playing those games...
Tue Jul 11, 2006 6:58 pm
If you're looking for REs, try the neoquest games. And completing neoquest 2 gives you a valuable that's nice.
When it comes to stocks, I recommend Don't sell your shares yet - almost all stocks will eventually pop up to a point where selling them is a good idea (between 30-45 is my minimum sell point, and 15-18 is my buying range).
Tue Jul 11, 2006 7:59 pm
I have bad luck days too

I'd get nothing from Coltzan's Shrine (even though I KNOW that I get the timing right!), no prize from the Tombola and nothing from the Deserted Tomb, also not forgetting the Fruit Machine.
Hmm, about game avatars, are you *sure* there isn't one game that you could at least try your luck at? I thought I was useless at Flash games until I found my own confidence lol.
Plus, I've only recently got my Neopian Times article in. It was the only time; the other articles I'd submitted TNT rejected for some reason or other.
About your sending scores problem, maybe you should send in a bug report? Then they can take the problem in my hands; I don't usually have issues with sending scores unless it's my problem, not TNT's servers.
Good luck
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