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New Gallery Idea?

Tue Jul 11, 2006 3:41 am

Okay, so I'm out on the scout trying to think of a new gallery idea. My old gallery was Meridell/Brightvale/Darigan but there were way to many items, and many at a high price, so I gave up. My second gallery was Pirates but it got pricey too. So, I have 2 mil to spend and I'm just wanting a gallery idea. Got any? :D

Tue Jul 11, 2006 10:12 am

think about what you like on neopets, there's no point collecting something that you have no interest in otherwise you won't be motivated with the collection. have a search around neoitems and something might take your fancy!

Tue Jul 11, 2006 12:44 pm

Maybe you could focus on just 1 of the kingdoms, like just Meridell?

My gallery is all the items that contain a certain word. You could have a gallery of everything that contains the word "Lemon" or "Mohog" for example.

Tue Jul 11, 2006 12:46 pm

And it doesn't have to be a complete collection. Look at me, I've got a Plushie gallery that I'll probably never complete, but I enjoy the collecting nevertheless!

Tue Jul 11, 2006 5:36 pm

Well, I could stick with one kingdom I suppose. Or Maybe I can begin a Haunted Woods gallery since we won the Altador Cup. Meh. Any more ideas?

Tue Jul 11, 2006 5:48 pm

Actually something I have thought about for awhile but have never had the neopoints for is an Avatar gallary. You could put things in there like some of the petpets needed for avatars (like Gruslens, Angelpuss, Slorg, Harris etc.) and you could put in some of the items needed for avatars such as all of the codestones some dung items and some orange items and many more items. Obiously some avatar things are insanely expensive but you could collect what you could.

Other ideas would pe

Ice lollys
Rare books

thats all I can think up for now but maybe I'll have more ideas later.

Tue Jul 11, 2006 5:56 pm

I agree with abloomfi. Pick something that you like, so that it doesn't become a chore to collect them.

Tue Jul 11, 2006 9:38 pm

I suggest creating a more tightly themed gallery that does not require a *collect everything* attitude.

Ideas would be like...

Fish Tank! Use fishing items and others froma round neopia. Number the items so stuff that would go in the bottom is at the bottom. I recommend a packet of gravel.

Go fly a kite! There are so few kites, it would be easy. Add wind and cloud related items at your whimsy. I recommend placing one Altador sun item at the top.

Shadow Gallery! How many items cast a shadow? Tons! Most are very cheap and people cannot easily search and point out which ones you don't have. Genius!

Wed Jul 12, 2006 3:43 am

stampsyne wrote:I suggest creating a more tightly themed gallery that does not require a *collect everything* attitude.

Ideas would be like...

Fish Tank! Use fishing items and others froma round neopia. Number the items so stuff that would go in the bottom is at the bottom. I recommend a packet of gravel.

Go fly a kite! There are so few kites, it would be easy. Add wind and cloud related items at your whimsy. I recommend placing one Altador sun item at the top.

Shadow Gallery! How many items cast a shadow? Tons! Most are very cheap and people cannot easily search and point out which ones you don't have. Genius!

Ah ha! You are smart wise one. :o
I like the Shadow idea. Very original. :D

The other ideas people listed are good too. It's just, I don't like a certain thing on Neopets. I like an array of things, but I don't want just a "random item gallery". I want a theme. :)

Wed Jul 12, 2006 10:55 am

I've always thought it would be fun to have a shoe gallery.

Wed Jul 12, 2006 11:23 am

Dustin wrote:It's just, I don't like a certain thing on Neopets. I like an array of things, but I don't want just a "random item gallery". I want a theme. :)

What 'things' do you like? Perhaps knowing that will enable us to suggest a 'theme'.

Wed Jul 12, 2006 3:20 pm

I think galleries should be about the theme and not the cost and volume of items. On clever item is worth 100 unbuyables. I always wondered how many items could be anagrams of each other. Make it a puzzle and don't tell people the answer directly. But...I'm lazy and stuck on my glass bottle gallery *pretty bottles*

Wed Jul 12, 2006 6:58 pm

I love the beach, so I decided to do a beach-themed gallery. It started out with just the free sand bottles I'd get from Tombola, but then I realized there were sand fruits, sandcastle sets, etc. I decided to set it on Terror Mountain -- a mini-vacation from the winter there. And whenever I'm feeling beachy, I surf around trying to add to my gallery, thinking of things that have to do with the beach/sand.

So my suggestion would be to pick something you like (not necessarily Neopets-related) and make that your gallery. Then going around the site is like a treasure hunt, finding things that fit your theme where you least expect them. I do like the shadow idea, though... Fits in with the treasure hunt, I guess (Treasure Hunters is my new favorite show).
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