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Mon Jul 10, 2006 11:08 pm

i just got an password request email from neo
i already changed my pass.
anything more i should know or do to keep me safe?

Tue Jul 11, 2006 12:20 am

Nah. Most likely someone just put your username into the lost password box. I wouldn't worry about it. They can't get your info.

Tue Jul 11, 2006 1:37 am

Dustin wrote:Nah. Most likely someone just put your username into the lost password box. I wouldn't worry about it. They can't get your info.

Tnks then dustin!

Tue Jul 11, 2006 2:55 am

I used to get those quite a bit. I suggest that you do the following: change the password and secret question to your email address. Don't use that email address to do any sort of im'ing and don't list it anywhere either (like here on PPT). Get a separate email address for im and to use for writing to and from people familiar with neo (like guild members, PPT members, etc.). Make sure that the email address you use on Neo has nothing to do with your Neo username or your real name. If a person can't figure out your email address, then they can't attempt to guess at your password.

My email address used to be my firstname_lastname at hotmail dot com. And I had listed my real name on my Neo account. So, a few people successfully guessed my email address. And thought that once they knew my email address, they might be able to try and guess my password. So, I also took my real name off of my Neo account. I changed it to something like Who Wants to Know.

One more thing. Make the answer to your secret question nothing to do with the question. For example, if the question is what was you first phone number, put down your best friend's name or your favorite food instead. Then no one but you can figure it out.

Tue Jul 11, 2006 3:03 am

Thank you, Morningstar. Those are good suggestions. I think I'll do those, too.

Tue Jul 11, 2006 8:01 am

I'll add to those good suggestions to not use Hotmail as your email account for passwords.

Hotmail has a reputation as one of the easier online email providers to hack. I don't know this from first hand experience, but I wouldn't be very surprised.

Also, if you don't log in for a while, Hotmail *will* release your email and someone else can then get and use it. If that happens and you forget your neo password, you won't be able to get it again because it will be sent to someone else.

I've known of more than one player who've gotten locked out of their Neopets accounts because they no longer had their old Hotmail accounts and Neopets was insisting that they email from the old Hotmail account to prove the Neopets account was theirs.

Tue Jul 11, 2006 8:04 am

yeah, that's good, but i don't really fear that so much... like dustin said, prolly some kid with bad spelling. even i did that some time ago... LOL
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