Mon Jul 10, 2006 5:41 pm
Mon Jul 10, 2006 5:45 pm
Mon Jul 10, 2006 5:46 pm
Anoohilator wrote:Is there an official/ unofficial way of logging out of any computer that may be signed in, with your username. I think I may have forgotten to log out of a public computer and was hoping there's a way to do it without going back to it. Thanks in Advance.
Mon Jul 10, 2006 5:54 pm
Siniri wrote:Anoohilator wrote:Is there an official/ unofficial way of logging out of any computer that may be signed in, with your username. I think I may have forgotten to log out of a public computer and was hoping there's a way to do it without going back to it. Thanks in Advance.
Yup. Change your password. If they do go in your account, they'll be asked to re-log in (I know because I use NP on my work and home computers).
EDIT: I just reread what I wrote. Here's a clarification. If they type in, they MIGHT see how many NP you have, your user name, and your active pet. But as soon as they try to click anywhere, they'll be redirected to the log-in page.