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could i get frozen if...?

Mon Jul 10, 2006 1:11 pm

could i get frozen if someone put their password on the neoboards and i logged into their account? technically i wouldnt be hacking but im not sure...

Mon Jul 10, 2006 1:18 pm

Yeah you could. Especially if you're logging in to steal.

Mon Jul 10, 2006 1:20 pm

Yes, of course you would. If TNT caught sight of this they would freeze you immediately. I must admit though, I did it once, when I was fairly new to the site. Someone said they didn't want their account anymore and put a password on the Neoboards. I wanted to see if they were actually telling the truth, which they were. I logged out immediately though. If you've done what I did then you might not get caught. It's a very stupid thing to do though, and I definitely won't be doing it again. You shouldn't either; not if you value your account. A bit of curiosity isn't worth losing your account over.

Mon Jul 10, 2006 3:06 pm

Terms and Conditions - FAQ

Q. I like my new account much better than my old account and I have a friend who wants my old account. Can I give it to her?

A. Sorry but you are not allowed to give away, sell, trade, share or buy a Neopets account or pets for Neopoints, money, items, or anything else -- even to your very best friend in the whole world.

When someone is caught breaking the rules, the site monitors can freeze every one of that player's accounts, depending on the offense committed and the player's prior conduct.

Mon Jul 10, 2006 3:24 pm

Ya I wouldn't do it if I were you it would be a dumb thing to do and you would be risking your account.

Mon Jul 10, 2006 3:39 pm

With my previous account (looong time ago), I got tired of playing Neopets, so I just made a post on the Neoboards that I was giving my account away, as I was quitting Neopets - but only to a newbie. Countless people 'applied', I checked some user lookups, and in the end I gave it to someone who had been playing only 2 weeks. It had some good pets though unpainted, a lot of good items, well, it was a fairly good account. What were they gonna do? Freeze me? I no longer had an account! Sue me? :roflol: I like to believe I made someone happy.

Mon Jul 10, 2006 4:53 pm

chinimick - arent you the user who was frozen because their brother did something he shouldnt on Neo? If so, you need to be even more careful concerning stuff like this.

Mon Jul 10, 2006 4:55 pm

Judging by your motives, yeah I'd say there's a pretty good chance of them freezing all your accounts.

"technically i wouldnt be hacking but"
TNT doesn't get hung up on technicalities, based on all the "I'm frozen :(" threads I've seen here at PPT.

Mon Jul 10, 2006 5:37 pm


But here's the thing. Despite what the rules say, you CAN give away your account. If you advertise it on the boards or otherwise bring it to TNT's attention, of course you'll get frozen because they'll notice people from a bunch of different IPs logging into that account at the same time and get suspicious.

But, TNT can't tell if an account's changed IPs because someone's playing at the library, changed internet services, or given away their account. So if you really want to transfer a whole account, do it discreetly with communications to <i>one</i> other person and only discuss it outside, such as in email.

I have given away two accounts before, once because I quit "for good" and wanted to give it to a friend who was still playing, and once because I didn't want a certain side account anymore but it had a good username that another user liked, so I gave it to them. :)

But basically, if you want to try this sort of thing on the's very risky. I personally don't think it's wrong or cheating if somebody voluntarily wants to give up their account. But TNT thinks differently, and they are monitoring the neoboards.

Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:13 pm

Well, technically it wouldn't be hacking. It would be scamming. Because that person shouldn't have posted their password on the neoboards anyway.

Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:19 pm

I think the reason 'giving your account away' is banned is because sure someone SAYS it is there account but they could have hacked into it and are now giving it away as 'there' account with the excuse that they dont want that account anymore or that they are 'quitting FOREVER' . Personaly I have an account that was given to me by someone that I know outside of neopets. HOWEVER I think it's just a general rule so you dont get in trouble for being on an account that was hacked and then it be frozen by TNT prehaps all your accounts frozen due to it.

So in my opinion if you want to give your account away feel free to do so but I woudn't give it to JUST anyone only someone you know outside of neopets (even if its just through PPT or someone you use aim or something with). And never accept an account you find on the neoboards cause you dont know how others came to have that account and if you're caught with it in your hands you're going to be the one to pay the price.

Mon Jul 10, 2006 8:20 pm

There seems to ba a lot of well, see here's the thing and but technically's thrown out there. But, and I'm getting this from the editorial, if you think it's a freezable offense, and you ask yourself if i do this could I lose my account, than obviously it's something you shouldn't be doing. TNT stated this in the editorial a few weeks back. So if you have to ask yourself if it's bad, than it probably is.

So I would suggest not doing it.

Mon Jul 10, 2006 9:41 pm

ladyflame wrote:chinimick - arent you the user who was frozen because their brother did something he shouldnt on Neo? If so, you need to be even more careful concerning stuff like this.

Exactly, it is the same person. And even if you didn't get frozen I think trying to steal someone's account is a horrible thing to do. There's a difference between being givenan account and just plain taking one.
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