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Pink Poogle Toys for 1337 NP

Sun Jul 09, 2006 3:58 am

Sorry can't remember what other topic this was discussed in but any who..

I bought 20 of them (12 I found for 5 NP in some dumb persons shop.. there bad) and have kept them in my shop priced at 1337 NP and have actually sold a couple belive it or not heh I remember someone said in the other topic though that we had hiked the prices up around 50NP or something? The average now is a straight 300 NP, did it used to be around 250 NP? Purchasing these items and puttnig them in your shop for 1337, if a lot of us did it.. would it be considered bad by Neopets if the prices of them started to rise? Even though we are doing it just to show we are PPTers? (in which case why do I like to keep 20 in my shop and one in my gallery? cos im a mad PPTer hehe).

I actually did a shop wiz check on them with the minimum price being 1337 so it would show how many people had them in there shop at that price.. and there is A LOT of people. Im wondering how many of those people are actual PPTers that have them in their shop at that price for the fact of being a PPTer.

Anyway.. thoughts.. discussion.. ideas.. arguments.. welcomed :)

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Re: Pink Poogle Toys for 1337 NP

Sun Jul 09, 2006 4:22 am

Gondra wrote:Im wondering how many of those people are actual PPTers that have them in their shop at that price for the fact of being a PPTer.

I thought about that too. If people are reading the Forums and know that many PPTers keep PPTs in their shops at 1,337nps and every once in awhile sell them, making a very nice % return (whether it be because another PPTer visits the Shop and wants to make a contribution or whatever), what is stopping them from "posing" as a PPTer in hopes of getting the odd PPT sold at the higher price? Nothing.

I just think it's safer to have the PPT in a Gallery rather than a Shop. It also avoids any argument that TNT might raise about PPT members as a group inflating the prices on purpose.

Sun Jul 09, 2006 4:27 am

Yea I have sold 2 for 1337, one was to a 71 month acount which that person also put in there shop as 1337 so I belive that was a PPTer (looks around suspiciously) who was just helping out another PPTer? The other was a donation for one of my projects. I understand what your saying about inflating the prices though, thats my main concern, wether Neopets would seriously have a good look at it in that way

Sun Jul 09, 2006 4:28 am

i love being popular. i belive you are reffering to the topic i started here lets bring it back to life ;)

Sun Jul 09, 2006 4:29 am

yabramokids wrote:i love being popular. i belive you are reffering to the topic i started here lets bring it back to life ;)

Yea thats the one I was looking for thanks :D

Sun Jul 09, 2006 4:31 am

no problem. also i checked on the super shop wiz (thanks premium) and theyre still between 200 and 300

Sun Jul 09, 2006 6:02 am

TNT is seriously not going care (or even notice) if we inflate the pink poogle toy by 100 np. They only get mad if a group buys up all (or most) of a cheaper item and then tries to scam people on the TP by offering it on high-priced lots and claiming the item is worth a lot more than it really is. We're talking people who take a 50k item and try to say it's worth 2 mil. An inflation of 100 np is nothing.

I try to keep 3 PPTs in my shop for 1,337 np each, and I've been doing so ever since Adam changed the description after reading the first thread about it here (we had them at 133,700 at that time). They do sell sometimes.

Sun Jul 09, 2006 7:05 am

I just created a PPT Forum account because I wanted to officially join the whole PPTers thing with the poogle toy in my shop for 1337 np. :D

Sun Jul 09, 2006 7:13 am

ggagahc wrote:I just created a PPT Forum account because I wanted to officially join the whole PPTers thing with the poogle toy in my shop for 1337 np. :D

Welcome to PPT! Is it wrong that I just got the urge to go buy your poogle toy? :evil:

Sun Jul 09, 2006 8:03 am

Katy wrote:
ggagahc wrote:I just created a PPT Forum account because I wanted to officially join the whole PPTers thing with the poogle toy in my shop for 1337 np. :D

Welcome to PPT! Is it wrong that I just got the urge to go buy your poogle toy? :evil:

lol haha, yea welcome to PPT :D so what gave u the urge to join and 1337 up your poogle toys :lol:

Sun Jul 09, 2006 8:04 am

I got so tired of people sniping my 1337 pink poogle plushie ( I lost over 56? before I got tired of it!) that I changed the price to 47997.


I guess I was too popular.

On the other hand, I usually buy all 1337 plushies I spot in my travels around Neopia. I guess I'm very guilty of that!

Sun Jul 09, 2006 8:40 am

stampsyne wrote:I got so tired of people sniping my 1337 pink poogle plushie ( I lost over 56? before I got tired of it!) that I changed the price to 47997.


I guess I was too popular.

On the other hand, I usually buy all 1337 plushies I spot in my travels around Neopia. I guess I'm very guilty of that!

/offtopic .. arent ur stars just oh so colorful and flash now *evil stare - grabs sum and runs off into the distance*

id love for people to buy mine at 47997 if i ever put them at that price hehehe

Re: Pink Poogle Toys for 1337 NP

Sun Jul 09, 2006 9:04 am

Gondra wrote:Im wondering how many of those people are actual PPTers that have them in their shop at that price for the fact of being a PPTer.

Hey guys, remember that PPT is probably the best neo-resourse available online. And Neopets has what, like 100 million users? I think PPT probably has a large "fan base" of people that know about it, but never post on the forums. I was one of those until just very recently, actually.

Sun Jul 09, 2006 10:00 am

I never really thought of putting a Pink Poogle Toy in my shop for 1337 NP... I just kept mine in my gallery.

A few weeks ago I bought 20 or so Pink Poogle Toys and handed them out to all my Neofriends as gifts, I think I may do that again and ask them all to put them in their shops for 1337 NP ;)

Sun Jul 09, 2006 11:08 am

I have just recently added a pink poogle toy for that price to my shop, not because I want anyone to buy it, but because it is nice to come across PPT members whilst browsing shops :)
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