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Card game resets? (Pyramids, solitaire, scarab 21)

Sun Jul 09, 2006 2:52 am

Does anyone know when the scores for the card games are reset? And the high score tables?

It doesn't seem to be monthly. I think it might be somewhere around 3 months for each reset, but, if this is the case, I don't know the last time the scores were reset and when the high score tables will be reset.

Sun Jul 09, 2006 6:22 am

It says on the games' result page that the scores are reset every three months. I haven't seen a reset yet, but maybe I haven't been playing them long enough.

Sun Jul 09, 2006 6:25 am

kimiko_00 wrote:I haven't seen a reset yet, but maybe I haven't been playing them long enough.

I can confirm that they do happen (although I can't say when the last one occurred). I got my high score wiped because I hadn't played in ages when the scores were reset.

I have a suspicion that the high score is like the avatar high score, if you can get a few more points on reset it'll add it to your old score and then post that score up. The resets only go back to zero if you go for a substantial amount of time without playing? Maybe 6 odd months so they can confirm between resets that you haven't been playing at all?
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