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Get this.....

Thu Jul 06, 2006 5:05 pm

I'm not sure if this is a topic for general chat, but I just had to tell someone about this neomail I just got:

if u rnt gonna b nice 2 your neo pets and start playing than just get rid of your account or give it 2 some 1 reasponcible k

Now tell me if that isn't just plain rude. This person, who shall remain nameless for now, up and requests me as a friend, and I accepted, and then I get this neomail. I mean, who does that. Then she says that she gets this "idea" because I appear as stealth. So what, I'm premie, that's the pleasures of paying for neopets. And she's 18 and can't spell either, I think someone is lying about their age. Should I report this person?

Thu Jul 06, 2006 5:59 pm

you know how those kids now a days are... all into that 'l33t' shorthand talk.. just gives me a headache or maybe shows me as being old :)

Thu Jul 06, 2006 6:03 pm

Yes I do think that's rude. And I don't exactly get her logic either. I don't think it's reportable though unless you tell her to leave you alone and she doesn't, then you can report her for harassment.

Thu Jul 06, 2006 6:12 pm

She sent me a total of 5 neomails, two of which were the same. I told her I was going to remove her from my neofriends because I thought she was rude, and then she neomailed me saying she felt bad for my baby uni, in other words she felt I wasn't worthy enough to have my baby uni. But the funny thing is, that if she was looking at all the stuff about me, she would have noticed that I'm part of a guild called Neopians Against Pet Abandonment, I've had my pets since day one, and I've been a user for over 4 years, where would anyone get the idea that I don't care for my pets. God, people can be so tard-ish sometimes.

Thu Jul 06, 2006 6:19 pm

Let her know she's a tard and report. 5 is more then enough.

My 2 cents.

Thu Jul 06, 2006 6:19 pm

dotWithShoes wrote:you know how those kids now a days are... all into that 'l33t' shorthand talk.. just gives me a headache or maybe shows me as being old :)

I'm with you.

Just ignore her. If you don't reply, she'll know she's not bothering you and quit.
And if that doesn't her.

Thu Jul 06, 2006 6:43 pm

Drei harte wrote:Let her know she's a tard and report. 5 is more then enough.

My 2 cents.

I'm still not sure if that warrants a report. 5 neomails might not be enough for TNT to take it seriously, as sad as it sounds. The best thing you can do is block her. And if she continues to neomail you from other accounts, block her again. She will eventually get the message. Or get bored. One or the other.

Thu Jul 06, 2006 7:44 pm

dotWithShoes wrote:you know how those kids now a days are... all into that 'l33t' shorthand talk.. just gives me a headache or maybe shows me as being old :)

I'll be fragged if true 1337 is shorthand.
Text chat is another matter, but that is no 1337.

*Gets retentive on the subject because he had to do an entire flipping course on how Technology affects language*

Thu Jul 06, 2006 7:56 pm

That's, uhm, interesting? Personally I'd report them. One neomail is inconsiderate, five is abuse. I've had people neomail me begging for items, NPs, even my pets (I have a pink Draik :D, it went something like "oh wow your Draik is so cool, I'll give you 100,000nps for him!".. haha. no. ) but I've never had a neomail like that!
Some people are beyond me.

dotWithShoes wrote:you know how those kids now a days are... all into that 'l33t' shorthand talk.. just gives me a headache or maybe shows me as being old :)

I can't stand 133t shorthand or text speak or any of that. It makes my eyes bleed. If you're not going to use correct grammar, please, step away from the keyboard!

Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:38 pm

Well like I said, she made a comment about my baby uni, and in the first message she had suggested the whole give my account to someone who will take care of my pets. Can you guys take a look at my lookup and find out where anyone would get the idea that I don't take care of my pets.

buffster1221 on neopets

Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:45 pm

crashbash wrote:Well like I said, she made a comment about my baby uni, and in the first message she had suggested the whole give my account to someone who will take care of my pets. Can you guys take a look at my lookup and find out where anyone would get the idea that I don't take care of my pets.

buffster1221 on neopets

I would guess the idea came from her wanting your baby Uni ;) at least that's what I'd read into what you've reported about these strange Neomails...

Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:46 pm

WOW, nice stuff. Well, now I know she's off her rocker. just block her and say that any thing more will get her reported.

Thu Jul 06, 2006 9:01 pm

It almost seems like she's telling you to give your account to someone else. Her, maybe :o ? I don't know if reporting will do anything, but you could always give her a piece of your mind.

Thu Jul 06, 2006 9:03 pm

Drei harte wrote:WOW, nice stuff. Well, now I know she's off her rocker. just block her and say that any thing more will get her reported.

thanks, well i reported all the messages as harrassment, and i deleted her. I have not received anymore neomails from her since this morning, so i think she got the point when i flat out told her she was rude. but if i receive any more neomails from her i will definitely block her and even throw in another report of harrassment.

Thu Jul 06, 2006 9:08 pm

I'd guess she's either a kid young enough to think that she can trick you into giving her your account with these not exactly persuasive messages, or a troll trying to get under your skin.
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