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Whats a good way to advertise?

Thu Jul 06, 2006 6:17 am

I want to advertise my pet page (it's a dailies page) to get more visitors coming to it every day since ive fully completed it now. Am currently getting around 90 - 110 visits per day when I dont advertise on the neoboards.

I have links in my shop and have link back buttons on the page in case someone else finds it helpful and wants to link back too. But at the moment the only time I get more then my standard amount of hits is when I advertise on the neoboards ie. yesterday I did and got 260 hits. I don't spam the neoboards with junk though, will make one or 2 boards in spotlight and galleris (since i have entered it into the site spotlight) and one in the newbie board (which tends to dissappear onto the next page as fast as ive made it since that board moves so fast). I usually stick around the Help board and refer a person to my pet page if it seems that will help them.

But yea.. anyone else got any ideas for me? I'd really love to get it to the point that its popular enough that visitors start advertising with link buttons or start reffering people to it when they need help, which would get more visitors through them, and so on and so forth kinda like a chain reaction (take csshelp pet page for example, so popular and well known that others advertise it). But at the moment have to do the hard part myself.

So yea any ideas/help is appreciated :) ways that your advertise maybe? I dunno..thanks

Edit - w00t 300th post.. i have now officially forgotten how to leave hehe :P

Thu Jul 06, 2006 6:49 am

Maybe you could submit it to some of the petpages that have lists of useful links (I can't remember any off the top of my head, but someone else might be able to help you) and submit it to Neo-related sites to go in their links sections.

Thu Jul 06, 2006 7:35 pm ... ittle_Pony

Has lots of useful links and links to petpages with links to pages like yours.

Thu Jul 06, 2006 11:07 pm

burntouttrash wrote:submit it to Neo-related sites to go in their links sections.

Perfectly Correct!

Fri Jul 07, 2006 4:32 am

Cool i will try by advertising on other sites and also maybe try affiliating with other sites nad pet pages :)

Fri Jul 07, 2006 6:42 am

if you know how you can submit it to a search engine. (I don't know how that's done, but I heard somebody refer to it once)

Sat Jul 08, 2006 7:15 am

yvonne_l_d wrote:if you know how you can submit it to a search engine. (I don't know how that's done, but I heard somebody refer to it once)

Sounds like a great idea except i dont know how to do it lol
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