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How do u get a pink paint brush?

Tue Jul 04, 2006 5:03 pm

Okie, I have been wonderin this for a while... i tried 2 get da answer on neopets but no one replied...:cry: lol, anyways, thanx in advance 4 all da help!

Pink Paint brush

Tue Jul 04, 2006 5:09 pm


Tue Jul 04, 2006 5:43 pm

There are some on sale at the trading post for about 800k at the moment :) You should also try the auction house.

Wed Jul 05, 2006 6:00 pm

I suggest you save up some NPs or collect a few rare items that you can trade for a Pink Paintbrush. Or you could buy the Lab Map, but that would cost around 520,000 NPs and you might not get a pink pet straight away.

I think it would be easiest just to save up, and then buy one :D

Wed Jul 05, 2006 6:55 pm

You can:

a) buy them off the trades, the price is around 800k as said before
b) buy them from the auction house, price varies but don't pay more than the current trade price
c) hope for good luck and search the shop wizard every day =P
d) win them around the site, from random events, fruit machine etc.
e) hope for a fountain faerie quest. This won't get you the paint brush, but will allow you to change the pet's colour to pink.

As you can see, there's lots of ways to get one if you set your mind to it. Remember, if you're asking for a deal on a trade, always be super-polite and such. Would you rather give a deal to someone who talks like this...

"hi kk can i by ur pnik p/b for 700k not 800k i dont hav that much"

or someone who talks like this...

"Hi, if it's not too much trouble I was wondering if you could cut me a deal on your pink paint brush... I've been saving for a long time and I only have 700,000. I understand if you don't want to sell for that price, no problem if you don't. Thanks for your time."


Just a tip, that usually works for me when I buy paint brushes so I've gotten into the habit of typing with pretty good grammar all the time as you can see.

Wed Jul 05, 2006 7:08 pm

I agree with all the above advice, but I shall add a warning not to double-post. Especially not a one-worder double post! That gives people the wrong impression. Use the edit button if you want to edit a post, don't reply to yourself.

Just a friendly piece of advice. :)

Wed Jul 05, 2006 7:31 pm

Just like people said, the ways to get a pink pet is to either
A) Fountain Faerie Quest (random event, never had one)
B) Auction/Trades (800k)
C) Lab Map (500k for the map)

The lab map is very random - one year I got absolutely no color changes, and the next I got garlic, robot, and pink O_o

Wed Jul 05, 2006 9:18 pm

You can win them from nerkmid machine but it's not very likely you'll get a pink paintbrush :)
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