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Shameful Neomoments

Thu Jun 29, 2006 10:59 am

I was just wondering if anyone had had anything embaressing happen to them while playing the site. My most embaressing moment was when I created a guild, all about blumaroos. Very pleased with myself, because I couldn't find another blumaroo guild, I started advertising on the neoboards, saying how great the guild was, how I was a massive blumaroo fan (this was about 5 years ago, you'll have to forgive the weird blumaroo obsession)

Only to be told that I had spelt blumaroo wrongly in the title of my guild.

Blumeroo Paradise.

I got three neomails all pointing out my mistake, and I felt like a right wally :lol:

Thu Jun 29, 2006 12:32 pm

About five and a half years ago, when I had my very first account, I tried logging in, and it had told me my password was wrong.

I tried for about fourty minutes to log in, it wouldn't let me. I started panicking, someone had hacked my account!

I e-mail TNT and explained the situation and created a new account, neomailed my old account to tell the hackers I'd reported them, posted on a bunch of sites to see if there was any way to get my account back......

And then realised I'd spelt my username wrong :oops: The proper spelling had already been taken, so I'd used an I instead of a Y when creating it or some such, and forgotten...

I then had to re-e-mail TNT and apologize big time, and the poor person who I'd neomailed under the incorrect username and apologize more.

All in all it was very embarassing....

Thu Jun 29, 2006 12:56 pm

When i first started playing I thought megastores were gods gift.


Thu Jun 29, 2006 1:05 pm

zorg wrote:When i first started playing I thought megastores were gods gift.


:( <--- my face right now because I have no idea what you mean

(I only have four brain cells)

Thu Jun 29, 2006 1:08 pm

twinklyspangle wrote:
zorg wrote:When i first started playing I thought megastores were gods gift.


:( <--- my face right now because I have no idea what you mean

(I only have four brain cells)

Those big malls made by a group of players that are usually overpriced. XD Thought those were good myself, personally. ^^": then a friend showed me they weren't so hot.

Embaressing things I've done on neo? I'll have to think that one over. ^^" I have a bad neomemory right now.

Thu Jun 29, 2006 1:10 pm

Always overpriced.

Buy having shops that are huge, its a massive investment to get to a large store size, but then the owners bulk buy cheapish items and sell them 50 - 200np above price. New members buy stuff there because they think its all good and cheap, and think that because they have so much its going to be good value.

I guess thats a mistake alot of people have made.

I did once get a baby paintbrush for free, accidentally. I neomailed someone asking how much it would be and they thought i was so nice after a few neomails they just sent it over. I Lost the persons neo account and I have always felt bad because I want to send them something huge as a massive thankyou. Does that qualify?

Edit - Btw, i'm not sure if the proper name is megastores. If i cant remember the right word i just make one up that sounds pretty good. ;)

Thu Jun 29, 2006 1:24 pm

zorg wrote:Always overpriced.

Buy having shops that are huge, its a massive investment to get to a large store size, but then the owners bulk buy cheapish items and sell them 50 - 200np above price. New members buy stuff there because they think its all good and cheap, and think that because they have so much its going to be good value.

I guess thats a mistake alot of people have made.

I did once get a baby paintbrush for free, accidentally. I neomailed someone asking how much it would be and they thought i was so nice after a few neomails they just sent it over. I Lost the persons neo account and I have always felt bad because I want to send them something huge as a massive thankyou. Does that qualify?

Edit - Btw, i'm not sure if the proper name is megastores. If i cant remember the right word i just make one up that sounds pretty good. ;)

This made me laugh because my boyfriend stormed out earlier because I do the exact same thing IRL. I can't think of an example right now, but I can't remember what happened, I just say whatever is in my brain that is most like it :lol:

See? This is a case where the TRANSFER LOG would come in handy! You'd be able to see who sent you what and give them fun stuff back :)

I remember being conned by one of those megamall thingys before, when I was hunting for a quest item. 3000np for a blimin' Blue Satin Collar? I don't think os buddy. I sent them a large piece of my small mind :)

Thu Jun 29, 2006 1:48 pm

One time someone ofered a Rocket Cookie for my Fire PB and I accidentally hit "Accept." I was really torn up about it for a while. Then, a few months later, another one just showed up in my Inventory. I have no idea where it came from. But I sold it, got my 500K, and I was happy.

Thu Jun 29, 2006 2:43 pm

A few years ago I was desperate to find out how to have music in my shop. Considering I had a dial-up connection at the time (so should have known how annoying it was), that's pretty shameful :oops:

Oh and once I spent ages trying and I couldn't get into my account. I was completely panicking, thinking I'd been hacked...turned out I had the caps lock on :P

Thu Jun 29, 2006 3:01 pm

I think it took me a week to find out that there was a shop wizard when I first started out. :lol: I remember face-vaulting at all of the "megastores'" prices (because they were the only stores I could find at the time), thinking, "there's no WAY I'm going to make enough NP to support my pets."

Thu Jun 29, 2006 3:29 pm

Officer 1BDI wrote:I think it took me a week to find out that there was a shop wizard when I first started out. :lol: I remember face-vaulting at all of the "megastores'" prices (because they were the only stores I could find at the time), thinking, "there's no WAY I'm going to make enough NP to support my pets."

Ahahaha that happened to me when I first joined, I thought the only way to find shops was through that weird marketplace thingy, where the biggest shop showed up at the top, is that even still about? I was convinced I was never going to make in big on the game. I was right :lol:

Thu Jun 29, 2006 4:16 pm

I lent out my Tiki Armour out for the av for free - never again.

Thu Jun 29, 2006 4:32 pm

When I first started, I thought the item description price was what I should sell an item for. "Why is nobody buying my ultra rare omelette?"


Thu Jun 29, 2006 4:45 pm

stampsyne wrote:When I first started, I thought the item description price was what I should sell an item for. "Why is nobody buying my ultra rare omelette?"


:lol: :lol: :lol:

I did that but people did buy something from me for very very cheap. I realised my mistake when it left my shop within about ten seconds of my putting it there. That thingy is so...misleading :x

Thu Jun 29, 2006 5:52 pm

stampsyne wrote:When I first started, I thought the item description price was what I should sell an item for. "Why is nobody buying my ultra rare omelette?"


Ah yeah, I did that too. Good times. :roflol:
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