For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Sun Jun 25, 2006 8:23 pm
I heard somewhere that it's against the Beauty Contest rules to enter an image of your pet that doesn't actually represent your pet's colour and species (ie. Having a Red Gelert but entering a pic of a Blue Acara). I haven't actually done this but I was wondering if it still applied to
changing your pet's colour and species after entering it in the Beauty contest.
It's because I've just wasted 100k on a morping potion that will change my pet's colour and species, and I don't want to wait until the current BC round ends to use it on my pet. Should I use it now, or could I get frozen or warned?
Any input welcome
Sun Jun 25, 2006 9:09 pm
I wouldn't risk it

Keep the potion for a bit - I'm sure you can wait a tad longer
Sun Jun 25, 2006 10:25 pm
I think it's actually only against the rules to have a pet that's a different species than the pic you entered (you're allowed to enter different colors if that's what you're planning to change your pet into, or in case of random events (ie. Boochi).
But in your case, I'd likely wait. XD; It's annoying to do so, but probably safer.
Mon Jun 26, 2006 2:56 am
I doubt doing it will, say, get your account frozen (unless the TNT employee who sees it decides its some obscure form of cheating), but it would likely cause your picture to be disqualified.
Color doesn't really matter. I now people have won BCs with hypothetical species colors (i.e., a girl did a mock-up of a Grey Ogrin that actually looked half-way decent), and I was goldbanned for submitting a picture of my baby Tonu before I'd earned the NP to paint him baby.
Also: Acara MP. You wouldn't happen to be going for the Grey Acara eventually, would you?
Mon Jun 26, 2006 4:07 am
I can't be sure but I have a suspicion that if the species of a pet changes during the BC week they actually get suspended from the current round. The pet gets suspended from the BC not an account suspension or anything as serious as that. At least, that's what I recall having seen happen in the past, it could have changed now. It would make sense... They can't switch the category your pet is in because some votes might have been from people who already voted for the other species and hypothetically it wouldn't be fair to let people win using a picture and in a category that doesn't represent their real pet.
As for colour, colour you're fine changing. Some people who have solid colour pets actually draw them with the rarer colours (Darigan, Maraquan, etc) so they look "prettier" for the BC.
All up, if you had a Paint Brush I'd say "Go ahead!" With a Morphing Potion, unfortunately I'd have to tell you to "Wait."
Mon Jun 26, 2006 5:14 am
People are are about Lab Raying a beauty contest enterant because it might change species, but it does happen. I don't think it's that big of a deal. I have enver heard of anybody getting frozen for such a thing.
But if you are worried, wait until friday. ok?
Mon Jun 26, 2006 3:15 pm
I guess I'll wait until the round ends, then. Thanks for your opinions
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