For Neopets ONLY discussion.
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Sat Jun 24, 2006 12:22 pm

I've seen her a couple of times is the NT but
is she the official Uber Fire Faerie?

Sat Jun 24, 2006 7:40 pm

There's only a NeoDeck card, Fuhnah The Fire Faerie:
Fire Faeries are mischievious urchins that inhabit the hotter realms of Neopia. They love nothing better than playing tricks and causing havoc wherever they go.

Not very informative..

There was also Eithne in the old Mystery Island Plot, and a statue of Nuria in the Lost Desert Plot. I don't think there's an official über Fire Faerie. For that matter, I'm not sure Illusen, Jhudora, Jhuidah, Taelia, Psellia and Siyana are über Faeries either.
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