For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Sun Jun 18, 2006 2:09 pm
Is it legal to offer a service of adopting peoples pets off people, zapping them till they change colour and then giving them back, for free?
Last edited by
fredleymedley on Sun Jun 18, 2006 7:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sun Jun 18, 2006 4:01 pm
I'm pretty sure you're not allowed to do that. You can't ensure someone gets a certain pet.
From Adoption FAQCan I start an Adoption Agency?
Yes you are quite welcome to take Neopets out of the pound, nurse them to health and them return them to the pound. This will increase that Neopets chance of finding a good home. You can even advertise that pet's name in your guild or on the message boards. However, you CANNOT charge people to adopt a pet you have nursed, nor can you ensure a particular Neopet will go to a certain person. As soon as a Neopet is placed in the pound it is available for ANYBODY to adopt.
Sun Jun 18, 2006 4:04 pm
Hmmm. What about if you state quite clearly, several times, that you can't ensure they'll get the pet back, but you'll do your best. Hmmmmm. Not sure about this one.
Sun Jun 18, 2006 4:11 pm
fredleymedley wrote:Hmmm. What about if you state quite clearly, several times, that you can't ensure they'll get the pet back, but you'll do your best. Hmmmmm. Not sure about this one.
I think you should be fine. Also you might want to give the peple adopting this url ... me=PETNAME
It tells you the exact amount of neopoints you need and if you keep clicking before and after it enters the pound you should get it.
Sun Jun 18, 2006 4:21 pm
I think they're saying that you CAN'T ensure that a neopet will go to a certain person, not that you're not allowed to. People send pets to certain people all the time, you just have to be on at the same time. As long as you don't charge anything for it, it should be fine, I think. Just make sure that you're very clear that there is a risk involved and that it'd possible to lose the pet this way.
Sun Jun 18, 2006 4:29 pm
fergermister wrote:fredleymedley wrote:Hmmm. What about if you state quite clearly, several times, that you can't ensure they'll get the pet back, but you'll do your best. Hmmmmm. Not sure about this one.
I think you should be fine. Also you might want to give the peple adopting this url ... me=PETNAME
It tells you the exact amount of neopoints you need and if you keep clicking before and after it enters the pound you should get it.
Yeh, I know about that link, I'm not going to bog down the page with it, I'll sort it out when I have clients (and the ray in the first place...(Donations welcome(*Hopefullness*)))
I think they're saying that you CAN'T ensure that a neopet will go to a certain person, not that you're not allowed to. People send pets to certain people all the time, you just have to be on at the same time. As long as you don't charge anything for it, it should be fine, I think. Just make sure that you're very clear that there is a risk involved and that it'd possible to lose the pet this way.
I've stated it twice, clearly. That should be ok.
Sun Jun 18, 2006 5:03 pm
Yeah, people do stuff like this all the time, although the more common thing to do is to adopt well-named pets from the Pound, zap them until they turn a nice color, then ask if anyone wants them (say, on the adoptions board here).
I don't know how many people who want to zap a permie would send it to someone else for it (with the risk of two transfers + the risk the other perso is not trustworthy) instead of just buying the ray themselves. Plus, if you zap Pound pets, if they turn into something you just love, you can keep them yourself!
Do you have a lot of experience doing transfers? You should make sure you know what you're doing before offering a service like this. Transfers are *reasonably* safe if you know what you're doing (though they're never risk-free) but if you do them wrong you increase the chance of a loss greatly.
Sun Jun 18, 2006 5:14 pm
As far as I'm aware, all you do is set an NST time, or correspond via IM, one person has their link ready, and keeps refreshing it while the other person abandons the pet.
EDIT: VERY big thank you for the donation, I don't know who it was though! more welcome
EDIT: OK I've upadated the site quite a bit, added a few more graphics, a few more lines of disclaimer. Also put a labmap progress chart.
Mon Jun 19, 2006 8:39 am
You know, I'm not sure. I can see how some users might see it as scamming and report you. Afterall, you're taking their pets aren't you? Some users might take your offer as a way in which you're attempting to scam them out of their pets. Innocent or not, there are some highly suspicious Neopians out there that will report at the drop of a hat. Just be careful.
Mon Jun 19, 2006 10:27 am
I'm aware of this. I'm not entirely sure myself. If I can get a few pets through, linking back to them as proof that it works then that would work in my favour.
Mon Jun 19, 2006 10:43 am
this is good to know thanks (about adoption agency rules etc).. have and adoption agency set up for wen i get lab (had 4 pieces but sold them all, wanna just buy a full set instead)
which reminds me i really should finish the rest of that page lol
oh and heres a bummer.. had a lab piece that was a RE worth 83,000 .. i checked a couple of shops for that particular piece and thot those people were just over pricing the item next to there 50k ones in the hope that someone would just keep clicking and buy it over priced.. didnt actually know it was worth that much.. thought i was over pricing it at 72k to see if it would work for myself.. seems i underpriced it 11k and it sold straight away >.>
Mon Jun 19, 2006 12:03 pm
I think its on slightly dodgy ground, I'm sure the way everythings phrased means its technically within the rules, but all it takes is a few people to report it and I could lose everything...
Becuase I'm paranoid I made it even more clear
Mon Jun 19, 2006 2:21 pm
fredleymedley wrote:I think its on slightly dodgy ground, I'm sure the way everythings phrased means its technically within the rules, but all it takes is a few people to report it and I could lose everything...
Becuase I'm paranoid I made it even more clear
Maybe instead of zapping other people's pets, why don't you just adopt pets from the pound and zap them? That way if you lose a pet in transfer, it was your pet before not the person who's getting the pet.
Mon Jun 19, 2006 4:12 pm
Yes, that is a safer way of doing things, but much more common. Basically how I'm trying to have is a system whereby people abandon their pets, and I adopt them 'by chance' at the right time. And vice-versa. I've stated that as soon as someone hits the abandon button the pet is not theirs, until they re-adopt it. Can anyone who's got experience with pet transfers give me a rough success rate?
Mon Jun 19, 2006 5:40 pm
fredleymedley wrote:Can anyone who's got experience with pet transfers give me a rough success rate?
Well, I've transferred 4 or 5 of my own pets between account successfully (including the Island Cybunny. *Phew*), and have never lost any of the pets I was was aiming to grab.
However, when I was doing Cybunny transfers a few weeks ago for people here on PPT, only one of the three pets actually made it to their designated owner.
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