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Problem logging into my old accounts

Sat Jun 17, 2006 3:06 am

I have two side accounts that I haven't logged into for 282 and 232 days. I went to log into them today and it's asking for the birthdays I have listed for these accounts before it will let me log in.

I have absolutely no idea what birthdays I used. The accounts are both 30 months old. I used a complete random and false birthdate for both of them.

On one of them I don't even know the email address I used but I'm pretty sure it was a free email address from a site that is no longer in existence.

I know the email for the other and I tried the password retrieval thing just to see if they would send the birthday information along with the password, they did not.

So are these accounts lost to me forever? Is there anything I can do other than randomly punching in birthdays and hoping I hit on the right one?

Both accounts have permanent pets (not Lab Rats), which is why I haven't log into them for so long. It was no longer necessary to log into them daily to use the lab ray. One has 4 Faerie Pets; a Lenny, Korbat, Ruki and Buzz. The other has a Robot and Maraquan Kougra. I really love my pets and don't want to lose access to them as I am still working on their lookups and acquiring them petpets and things like that.

Sat Jun 17, 2006 3:53 am

That happened to me on a side account, and I had no idea what birthday I used. I dont think that theres any way to have them send your birthday to you, and if there is, then I wasted a good half hour checking out tons of possible dates.

I had myself neofriended on my main, so I could see my age and determine what year I'd used. And instead of going straight through the year, I started with February, my real birthmonth. When none of those dates worked, I tried the 22nd of every month, my real birthdate. After that, I went to the most likely months, and managed to hit the right date as August 10th, 1986.

Even if your dates are completely random, the amount of guesses you have seems unlimited, as long as you have your correct pw entered each time. I know that I went through all of February, March, May, November, and August before I hit the right one.

Sun Jun 18, 2006 2:58 pm

Thanks for your help. :) I am neofriends with those accounts so I was able to figure out the years. That just leaves 365 days(x2) that I have to go through. I'm currently in the middle of March.
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