For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Sat Jun 17, 2006 12:26 am
17th & 18th June - Kau Day
* Kau Day isn't until Monday, but we're celebrating early this year! To start things off, Kau royalty can now be yours with a visit to the Rainbow Pool.
* Character_United the Green Nimmo wins today's Pet Spotlight award! Well done!
* There are pages and pages of Kau fan pictures on display in the Art Gallery.
* This week's Neoadventure Spotlight goes to iluvmicats for Anvean's Adventure.
You clamber up a tall tree, Patcher helping you from time to time. When finally you're level with the top of the boulder, you slide out onto a strong branch and leap from there to the boulder's peak. The view is spectacular..."
* Altador Cup - Things are heating up as Round Two continues! Each team wants to prove they're the best, but will your team come out on top?
* The Random Contest has ended and the judges are currently trolling through thousands of entries. Winners will be announced next week!
* Any Kaus that visit Cap'n Threelegs on their special day will be eligible for free training!
* Why not give your desktop the royal touch with this new Background?
* Neopets Premium is now accepting a limited number of additional beta testers! If you're interested, you can click here for more info. Spots will go fast (and may already be gone) so best be quick!
* Four new Kau-themed Shopkeepers have been released.
* Any Kau will enjoy having some special Kau-themed food from the Food Shop to celebrate their special day!.
* The next round of the Beauty Contest is about to begin! Head on over and vote for your favourite.
* The newest issue of the Neopian Times has been released! Keep your eyes open for great stories and adventures like At the Altador Cup Sign-in Tent and Wing Socks: Menace or Marvel?.
* There is even a Kau themed Shop Blog for you to use in your shop, gallery or webpage.
* It wouldn't be Kau Day without a new Avatar, now would it?
* darkdependent wins the Faerie Caves Spotlight with is level - Sealed In TIGHT!
* Not to be left out of the Kau craze, the Toy Shop has just put some Kau-themed toys on sale.
* Finally, a new page of Poems has been added, dedicated to all things Kau.
Sat Jun 17, 2006 12:30 am
Ohhh a new avvie! yay
Sat Jun 17, 2006 12:57 am
From the editorial:
As far as I know, and I have it on pretty good authority, Jub Zambra and the Cobrall Charmers have not played a concert in the tyrannian concert hall since their first performance on March 24th. Normally this wouldn't be a problem but there are many people, including myself, that would like to get the avatar. So my question is, was this lack of a concert on purpose or merely a forgotten accident? Please reply even if it was on purpose because I would love to know. Thanks and keep up the good work TNT! ~somename4
It was not on purpose, that's for sure.

There was an error that caused another band to play on the day Jub Zambra was supposed to perform. The good news is that this was already fixed earlier this week. So, do not fear. Jub Zambra and the Cobrall Charmers shall play again!

I'm so glad it's finally been taken care of/noticed.
Sat Jun 17, 2006 1:27 am
I'm more pleased with this QnA:
I have seen this many times on the boards: players from opposing teams making side accounts, joining the rival team & losing to lessen the score & have the other team win. Is this reportable? ~sfdscheerNot only is it reportable, it's a freezable offense. No one may participate in the Altador Cup on any other account aside from their main. Sending in bad scores for the other team is not only poor sportsmanship, but is also downright disgraceful to the team they should be representing with honour. (And don't worry, they're really only hurting themselves.)
I was worrying about that. Good to know TNT's aware of it, at least.