For Neopets ONLY discussion.
Sun Jun 11, 2006 2:43 am
On the front page, Neopets proudly proclaims itself to be "the greatest Virtual Pet Site on the Internet". Is this claim egotistical or exactly correct? Discuss.
Sun Jun 11, 2006 2:55 am
"Modesty is for peope who have nothing to be conceited about"
No, really, I have played some of Neopets' so called "rivals" and thrankly... Pleh.
Sun Jun 11, 2006 2:57 am
I used to play Subeta. The money was strangely overvalued there and the games primitive (probably because nobody on the staff knew Flash, and that's okay). The one good thing was the chat board there--it didn't have the mind-melting effects of the Neoboards.
I just thought that claim by Neopets was amusing. And for the most part, I think they're exactly right.
Sun Jun 11, 2006 3:07 am
I don't think Neopets has any competitors, really. I've checked out a couple other virtual pet sites and they suck. And none of them get nearly as many pageviews/advertisers/articles written about them as Neo, so I think it's fair to say the claim is spot-on.
Sun Jun 11, 2006 3:09 am
Egotistical or Exactly? Both.
Sun Jun 11, 2006 3:09 am
Most other pet sites tend to be imitators. Some are particularly egregious--they'll copy nearly all of the aspects of Neopia and make a few changes here and there.

I am aware that imitation is the highest form of flattery, so maybe the many imitators also give credibility to Neopets' claim.
Sun Jun 11, 2006 3:14 am
No other site that I know of is greater.. gotta remember Neopets is huge in the commercial side of things with merchandise etc. I havent seen any other virtual pets site reach NZ Mcdonalds.. its mainly kids movies and stuff that do that.
Sun Jun 11, 2006 3:46 am
Based upon popularity, I will agree.
Based on content, I will agree.
Some the virtual pet attempts are noble, but they are almost always less enjoyable.
Sun Jun 11, 2006 3:54 am
dracir512 wrote:Egotistical or Exactly? Both.
My thoughts exactly. If they weren't adding the "virtual pet" qualification in I'd have said egotistical end of story but that's not the way it is. Either way though, its advertising, they're not the first to claim their "product" is the best (even when it might only be a matter of opinion) and they won't be the last.
Sun Jun 11, 2006 4:18 am
I've tried several other virtual pet sites before. Nothing is as interesting or nearly as fun as neopets xD! I get bored of the other ones really quickly...
Sun Jun 11, 2006 5:41 am
the idea is somewhat superior, about what percent of online people go to neopets? age groups? they daily tell us the updates which i say are great, the games are quite nice, slots, neoquests,
things i want uberfied:battledome, useless items, expansion of the friend and messaging system
things that are gonna be uberfied:food system, item system, pet's individualities
online things are to take up large amounts of time to make, use, and make better.
Sun Jun 11, 2006 6:15 am
agf wrote:things that are gonna be uberfied:food system, item system, pet's individualities
How do you know they will? Have I missed something?
Sun Jun 11, 2006 6:38 am
I try just about every free multiplayer game site that comes around, and Neopets is the best. The writing is clever, the artwork and games are high quality and the staff seems to be well paid and having fun.
Neopets has a very coherent feel to it, and it's very unlikely that a web site as big as Neopets can provide original content, build a community, and still keep the same vision that made it so much fun. Neopets has done this, and I think it owes a lot of that to Adam. It's like having Terry Gilliam direct your movie or Quincy Jones produce your album.
Okay, maybe not Quincy Jones. It's very late here.
Sun Jun 11, 2006 6:48 am
Okay... something wants to be the best. How do you determine what is the best? Determine what is better at something than something else.
Is there any other virtual pet site that does something better than neopets does?
I'd say no. And thus, Neopets is the best.
A thesis by The Wonder Weezel.
Sun Jun 11, 2006 6:52 am
dracir512 wrote:agf wrote:things that are gonna be uberfied:food system, item system, pet's individualities
How do you know they will? Have I missed something?
There's a
Coming Soon page, but none of the stuff he mentioned is there.
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