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Were you frozen just recently?

Mon Jun 05, 2006 10:14 pm

I was frozen, today. My main, sides, and two labs. This was the login message I got:
"This account was using a 'cheat' or downloadable cheat program."

Completely untrue. My friend was frozen, same reason. We're both premium uses, too.
A side I hadn't been on in 4 days was not frozen. So it had to be a recent infraction.

Has anyone else been frozen today {6/5} or recently for the same reason? Please let me know, I want to know whats going on.

Tue Jun 06, 2006 6:06 am

Not me, I'd recommend that you contact TNT.

Tue Jun 06, 2006 7:04 pm

I haven't been but I know someone who was a premium user who was frozen for the same thing a few months back. I believe they were told it was a glitch. Whatever the problem was, try contacting the Neopets team and find out.

Wed Jun 07, 2006 5:41 pm

They have a guide for that on the main site. Check it out. I have heard it helps.

Wed Jun 07, 2006 9:14 pm

Remember that premium users have thier own quicker contact! ... rozen.aspx

and your payments will not automatically be cancelled. You will continue to be billed if you do not cancel it.

Thu Jun 08, 2006 7:03 pm

Yeah I read that frozen article.

Just keep calm, keep contacting them, and if things go well, you ought to have it back.

Sun Jun 11, 2006 2:10 pm

i've had ALOT of accounts frozen, TNT never bothers sorting out the problem. I emailed them about something maybe... a year ago, i'm STILL waiting for a reply.

Re: Were you frozen just recently?

Mon Jun 12, 2006 4:54 am

Bexxums wrote:Has anyone else been frozen today {6/5} or recently for the same reason?

There was a large number of users frozen in mid-May for the same reason, all protest their innocence and I haven't heard of any of them getting a positive response from TNT. Many of them were Premium.

Mon Jun 12, 2006 6:10 pm

<center>I'm one of them -.-"
still waiting for a reply
I'm getting really angry :x</center>
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