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Sticky hands

Mon May 29, 2006 10:00 am

Are different coloured hands better than others? If so, which ones are better?
I have a purple sticky hand but it misses about 99% of the time

Mon May 29, 2006 10:29 am

Do an Advanced Search for Sticky Hand and see the results

Mon May 29, 2006 12:49 pm

Rainbow is best -- it steals about 87% of the time. It's a rarity 99 item and VERY expensive, though (there's only one, unpriced, on the TP right now). Green steals about 62% of the time and costs around 90k. Purple steals about 54% of the time and costs 850 np. The others (yellow, blue, red) are all worse than purple (36%, 25%, 14% respectively). So... yeah. Stick with purple. Or you could see if your pet's species has a species stealer like lupe grabber jaw or shoyru grappling hook (both overpriced, though)... or if your stats and budget allow, look into heavy robe of thievery (200 agility and 100 intelligence needed).

Wed May 31, 2006 12:13 pm

Thanks :)

Might just stick with the purple then.
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