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Fruity Chias

Fri May 26, 2006 7:57 pm

My pet just got zaped into a chia. How can I get I make an apple chia? (Or eggplant, or 'gus, or tomato, etc.)

Fri May 26, 2006 8:03 pm

Chia Pops! Some must have the word "Magical" in front of their names but the most recent ones don't have that in front of their names :)

Sat May 27, 2006 12:50 am

Or the lab might zap it. If you eat the magical Chia pop it's turns ANY pet to a chia fruit. My pet was a yellow chia then turned eggplant then Pineapple I think. Save your money until your pet changes species again if you want one so badly.

Sat May 27, 2006 9:58 am

super_sweet_gal15 wrote:Or the lab might zap it. If you eat the magical Chia pop it's turns ANY pet to a chia fruit. My pet was a yellow chia then turned eggplant then Pineapple I think. Save your money until your pet changes species again if you want one so badly.

I'm not so sure ANY pet will transform into a fruity chia - I think it has to be a chia. LAb Ray works too - I just got a Durian Chia from it :)
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