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How many points do you earn a day?

Under 1K
Over 50K
Total votes : 57

What's your daily income?

Thu May 18, 2006 1:49 pm

10K for me.

I do a lot of the sponsored games, and fiddle about with some of the games I'm good at.

I get a good 2500-3000 from Eliv Thade. ;)

Thu May 18, 2006 6:43 pm

It depends on what I'm doing that day. If I end up playing games, I can get 10-15k, easy. If I'm just doing dailies and restocking cheap items, then it's closer to 1-5k.

Thu May 18, 2006 9:00 pm

I'm lazy, so it's mostly just what I get from my shop sales, plus sometimes I'll play the featured game. So 1k-5K.

Thu May 18, 2006 11:40 pm

During the week, I not really that active on Neo. I'll do my dailies, play a couple games, but that's it. On the weekends, I usually earn quite a bit more.

Thu May 18, 2006 11:48 pm

5k-10k for the most part. It averages out to that by the end of the week. Some slow days, some game filled days.

Fri May 19, 2006 4:26 am

So I'm the only one that voted over 50k, kinda embarassing heh. I just restock a lot.

Fri May 19, 2006 5:03 am

When I do play the games I make 10G a day but I really haven't been playing much lately so it probably averages about 2G per day in the course of a month.

Fri May 19, 2006 6:18 am

I'm in the 10-50k range... around 10-15k if I only feel like a few quick games, about 25-35k if I have a considerable amount of time to play.

Fri May 19, 2006 8:40 am

LifeOfMuzik wrote:So I'm the only one that voted over 50k, kinda embarassing heh. I just restock a lot.

Haha, man.

I restock quite a bit sometimes, but I never have enough money to get a shop filled with enough items to get people interested.

When I get back to 500K, I'm going to start restocking properally.

Sat May 20, 2006 8:23 am

Anywhere from 150k - 800k a day if I restock. :)

Sat May 20, 2006 1:44 pm

Always over 50k, my mall usually brings is 100k a day (non-profits) and if I'm restocking, I can make from... 75k to about 300k, if I'm lucky (not a *1337* restocker :P)

Sun May 21, 2006 12:11 am

Usually 3-5k, but that's because I spend more of my time chatting than playing games. And, when I actually manage to restock something any good, I keep it and it gathers dust in my SDB.

Sun May 21, 2006 1:25 pm

I can get about 10-20k on a weekday.More like 15-30k on weekends.

Sun May 21, 2006 6:36 pm

I haven't been playing a whole lot lately but when I do I usually make somewhere between 10k and 50k. If I get really into it, I aim for over 50k. :)

Thu May 25, 2006 2:40 pm

I typically just play 2-5 games and do dailies, so i'm in the 1-5k range. However when I decide to get unlazy and restock, I am not hot at that and usually spend under an hour on it, so I profit about 7-10k on those days.
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