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News, May 18th

Thu May 18, 2006 11:05 am

# Tyrannian Weaponry has a new set of items on sale for those battle-ready Neopets.

# No one knows neggs better than the Negg Faerie, so you'll have quite a challenge on your hands in this week's Better Than You.

# What better place to give your Ogrin this new Rainbow look than at the Rainbow Pool?

# Our eBay store has some new sets on sale! If you're looking for plushies, stationary, or other merchandise, why not take a look?

# Fledgling villains may want to take a look at the latest Site Spotlight - ZJ_'s DIY Guide to Taking Over Neopia.

# On your next visit to space, why not stop by Cafe Kreludor to try one of these new treats?

# A new Lenny Conundrum competition has begun. The answer to last week's was Geraptiku. 6,183 people guessed the correct answer earning themselves 324 NP each.

# This week's PPL award has been given to the Turdle. Well done Sir Shellalot, Momo, Pointy_Fin, Tinasia of Aquailia, and all the others.

# The Pirate Cave Of The Week goes to willowkitty2 for his level - Evil Caves.

# Three new Greetings featuring a variety of Petpets are available to send to your Neofriends.

# Back by popular demand is the High School Musical: Trivia sponsor game, where you earn Neopoints by testing your knowledge of songs featured on the soon-to-be-released special edition soundtrack.

Re: News, May 18th

Fri May 19, 2006 12:20 am

Troggy7 wrote:ImageImageImage

I love those! Kinda like Uggs for neopets xD
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