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Which pet should I zap?

Destoyer40 the Fire Blumaroo
EustaceClarence the Asparagus Chia
Total votes : 18

Blumaroo or Chia?

Mon May 08, 2006 4:32 pm

I'm in need of some guidance:

Today the lab turned my lab pet, EustaceClarence, Asparagus. I love the color, but I want to keep using the lab ray. This leaves me with a problem: I refuse to zap either my battle pet or my Ice Bori; so the only option left is my Fire Blumaroo, Destoyer40, but I like him the was he is so I'm hesitant to put him at the mercy of the lab ray.

I'm probably not going to base my decision solely on this poll, but all opinions are welcome.

Mon May 08, 2006 6:32 pm

I like the fruit and vegetable chias. Keep the asparagus chia.

Mon May 08, 2006 6:44 pm

I hate chias. All chias, all forms. I hope you zap him and he turns into something actually cool. :)
Blu's on the other hand, are my favorite pet. Their cute little noses... like eopies from star wars... or... well, they are just SO cute! :)

has he got a zoo! i'm telling you, it's a world-class menagerie!


Mon May 08, 2006 6:50 pm

Blu's on the other hand, are my favorite pet. Their cute little noses... like eopies from star wars... or... well, they are just SO cute! Smile

I love Blu's too, that's why I'm hesitant to zap him.

Mon May 08, 2006 6:53 pm

If I were in your shoes, Lexxia, I would zap the Blumaroo. I think the fruit / veggia Chias are cute. :)
But, no matter your decision, let us know what you end up doing!

Mon May 08, 2006 8:16 pm

If it were me, I'd zap the Blumaroo.

However, you seem quite attached to both of these pets as-is. Have you considered moving one to a side and adopting on a new lab rat?

Mon May 08, 2006 9:02 pm

I don't have a side account.

Mon May 08, 2006 9:22 pm

You can get an av from the fire blumaroo? I'd say zap chia :)

Mon May 08, 2006 9:29 pm

I already have that avatar :)

Tue May 09, 2006 2:05 am

I'd say zap which ever one costs less, that way if you really want it back later it wouldn't take so long to save up for the morphing potion/paintbrush.

Tue May 09, 2006 1:17 pm

Thanks guys :) I'm gonna keep zapping EustaceClarence (hopefully he'll turn into a Coco JubJub *crosses fingers*) simply because I love Destoyer40 the way he is (I also like that he's immune to the Wheel of Monotony fireballs :D) , he's always been a Blumaroo and he'll always be a Blumaroo.

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